A warm welcome to author S Davidson joining us today to talk about their new release “Resurrection”.
Welcome S
Two men with painful, complicated pasts who have shut themselves down from ever loving again. Complete opposites of one another, one raised in a strict military household, who grew up with the sole purpose of becoming a soldier and defending his country, only to have that cut short by an IED; and the other raised in the rodeo, small town and ranch life his safe haven; and their chance meeting.
How the two of them end up in some small town diner can only be credited to divine intervention. But are both men too damaged? They say God works in mysterious ways. Well, he certainly had his hands full when he chose these two for saving.
Is it too late?
Please welcome Shelly Davidson whose very first novel, Resurrection, was released on the 1st June.
We are here today to talk more about the book. HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE A PUBLISHED AUTHOR, SHELLY?
It’s actually really strange. I have wanted this my entire life and now I’m just amazed it’s actually true. That sounds silly but I’ve worked really hard to get here.
It doesn’t sound silly at all!!! I know you have been writing since forever. WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO PUBLISH THIS STORY?
I think it was that I was joining different Facebook groups and seeing how everyone seemed to be getting published. I thought I’d give it a try and asked for reviewers for a snippet I had written, just to see if I had any talent at all. Well, she not only responded but said when I had it finished, to contact her. I did and she introduced me to my publishing company and I haven’t looked back. I tried years ago to get published in the mainstream but the lovely pile of rejection letters I have showed me without an agent, that would be impossible. Of course this was easily 20 years ago and a lot has changed. I have received nothing but encouragement from my publisher and the people she represents so it’s been much nicer than I expected.
I’m so happy you met her. We are lucky to have you here with us today!!! I know Jamie took over the original story idea. DO YOU REMEMBER HOW YOU STARTED WRITING THE BOOK AND WHEN JAMIE TOOK OVER? HOW DID IT HAPPEN?
Goodness, well everything started with the final scene in Jamie’s story – won’t give away spoilers. I had that written a couple years ago and I decided the concept was good so I started expanding on that. Still expecting it to be a story about a country guy who ran a general store. I started to create Jamie’s background and his character just came to life. It was very natural.
As you said in a previous interview, when you write you go with the flow. HOW DID YOU COME UP WITH THE THREE-PARTS STRUCTURE?
That actually happened when I asked for the initial response mentioned before. Someone made a casual comment stating that she liked the traumatic scene but she felt she would be more invested if she learned a bit about the character first. So I started to write Jamie’s past and then before I brought them together, I felt Chris deserved his own history as well, so we could understand what he’d been through and what type of a person he was. I had even thought about doing three separate books but as a first time author, it was suggested I stay with one until people get to know me. So see – I do listen to feedback!
What a helpful feedback that was. I think it worked out perfectly. WHICH OF YOUR CHARACTERS WAS THE MOST DIFFICULT TO WRITE AND WHY? WHO WAS THE EASIEST?
Honestly, I think it was Derek and Ben. I became so comfortable with Jamie and Chris but wanted to make sure I created supporting characters that were men in their own right but that didn’t take too much attention away from the main focus. I wanted them to be developed characters but not too developed, if that makes sense.
Absolutely! They did not tip the balance but gave an amazing layer to both MCs. I really enjoyed both background stories and cried some as well… no spoilers though… You also said you used some Michael Stokes photography as inspiration. WHAT OTHER INSPIRATIONS DID YOU HAVE?
I think in all the reading I did. It’s funny because I have spent a life being against the military, against killing and the idea of war and all that however part of me understands why it exists. When I started getting into the research, I discovered the human element, the training and the ultimate sacrifice and I found it to be beautiful. For having the ability to believe in something so strongly – well, I decided that I was going to focus on trying to provide some sort of tribute to those who have difficulties coming home. Lots and lots of research!
I believe it’s an amazing approach to this topic. Thank you. Your heart is totally in it now and it’s a wonderful tribute to everyone serving all around the world. DO YOU HAVE ANY KIND OF CONTACT WITH THE MILITARY OR VETERANS?
You know, that is pretty funny. No, Short Answer is no. I do know a guy who had a secret past with some intense knowledge of Special Ops but other than that, I haven’t been able to find anyone around me. Trust me, I looked like crazy because I wanted a beta reader who was male with a combat experience background and couldn’t find one. I did however use two beta readers who did have a military background but were female.
For a civilian like me, all combat scenes are very real, raw and brutally lifelike. Your imagination is really vivid and unbelievably creative. Before my final questions… IS THERE ANYTHING YOU HAVEN’T BEEN ASKED ABOUT THE BOOK AND YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE?
Hm, I think we’ve covered it. What I really hope for is for people who would not normally read M/M to allow the story of these two men come through. My intention was not to write an erotic novel but to write about two men who have been through some of the worst possible tragedies and still come out whole. I hope it’s about two strong characters and the realness of what people experience because there are so many who have experienced similar situations. I purposely kept the sexual aspect of this novel low key because that was not what I wanted people to remember.
I think I need much thicker skin that I currently have. I’m ready. I hope it’s good but I am prepared for criticism. I will read those over and over so that I can learn from them and grow as a writer.
I’m sure you’ll get a lot of great reviews and some good advice. I truly hope to read you soon. Thank you so much for being here with us. It’s always a pleasure to chat with you!
I have enjoyed it. Thank you!
“Yes, sir, it is. You have a beautiful place here.” Jamie wasn’t sure if he should leave or stay.
“You can call me Buck. Everyone around here does. Sam tells me your name is Jamie?” he spoke casually. He had a laid back, old cowboy kind of feel to him and Jamie liked it.
“Yes, sir. Chris was kind enough to bring me along. Going stir crazy in that little town,” he admitted.
“Chris mentioned you’d been discharged from the hospital after serving. If you don’t mind me asking, what happened?” he asked, taking a long drag.
Jamie held out his leg and lifted his pant leg just enough to see that his leg was titanium. “IED explosion. Took four of my buddies with it,” he stated honestly.
“How far does that thing go up, son?” Buck asked, leaning forward and taking a good look at the leg.
“Mid-thigh,” Jamie replied. Normally, he would have felt weird, like he was on display, but there was something reassuring about Buck that caused him think it was just genuine curiosity.
“Get to keep your balls?” Buck asked, causing Jamie to laugh.
“Yes, sir. Boys came out just fine.” Jamie was still smiling as he lit another cigarette.
Who is Shelly Davidson? Shelly is someone who has been writing literally her entire life (and that’s a LONG time) and has always written M/M. Her first story was back in high school and she hasn’t stopped since. Of course, Shelly never dreamed of getting published, so needless to say, she’s in heaven! Shelly loves her characters. Her writing focus is real people, flaws and all, who are hurting or damaged, but deserve a little joy in their lives. Shelly was born and raised in Arizona, but currently lives in California because that is where the money is! She is currently single, but has a grown daughter and an adorable grandson both of whom she loves dearly. While she usually stays pretty much to herself, she does have a Bachelor’s in Social Services and a diverse background that ranges from theater to health care and currently works in accounting, she swears it’s not as boring as it sounds. While this is her first publication, it is by far not the last! She plans on being around for quite some time! You’ve been warned!
If you want, you can write her at: sdavidsonauthor@earthlink.net
JUNE 1 : http://bayoubookjunkie.blogspot.com
JUNE 2 : http://jessiegbooks.com/scatterbrain/
JUNE 3 : http://www.lovebitesandsilk.co.uk/
JUNE 4 : http://www.prismbookalliance.com
JUNE 5 : http://lushbookreviewss.blogspot.com
JUNE 6 : http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com/
JUNE 7 : http://www.inkedrainbowreads.com
JUNE 8 : http://naughtybookeden.blogspot.com.au
JUNE 9 : https://lovebytesreviews.com/
JUNE 10 : http://boymeetsboyreviews.blogspot.it/?zx=efa29018039fba5d
JUNE 11 : http://bfdbookblog.net/
JUNE 12 : http://diversereader.blogspot.com/
JUNE 13 : http://www.mmbookescape.com
JUNE 14 : http://dawnsreadingnook.blogspot.com
I just purchased it on Amazon and can’t wait to start reading it!