7 Responses

  1. Trix
    Trix at |

    Not crazy about the whole Big Misunderstanding trope, but it does sound intriguing!

  2. Cindra Clark
    Cindra Clark at |

    I’m a sucker for all things shifter; the story sounds interesting, (Love the cover art, too)

  3. susana
    susana at |

    Sounds really nice. Thank you!

  4. Su
    Su at |

    I love the cover for this Daily Dose series, the lone man wandering into the forest reminds of the song ‘if you go down to the woods today….’ 😀 Thank you for an interesting and helpful review 🙂

  5. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Thank you for the review! I’ve always had a thing for shifter stories and mystery.

  6. 16forward
    16forward at |

    I like the premise and the cover. Hopefully the author will continue.

  7. waxapplelover
    waxapplelover at |

    I love shifters, and this world sounds interesting. Thanks for the review.


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