6 Responses

  1. michelerakes
    michelerakes at |

    Wow, Dan! Fantastic review and right on the money in a few assumptions. A lot more gay sex sex is on the way. Love the Dante quote. Both Vince and Greg would deem it more than appropriate. Thanks for sticking in there with Book Two. Yes, there will be more straight sex, but it begins to take a back seat in the next three. Also, it is a menage love story, if you can believe love can be buried somewhere in those pages. Can you believe a guy like Vince longs to be out? Spoiler Alert * sort of* there is holiday event that take place, so anyone horrified by a Thanksgiving homecoming better be prepared! Just figured I’d throw my kitchen sink in there for good measure. Lol.

    Thanks Dan and Dani! Great reviews, Dan. I’ve recently had some bad news and this has cheered me greatly. Now, I must get back to work on Book Three’s final edit!


  2. Meg Amor
    Meg Amor at |

    Aloha! Wow. Great review. (I always love Dan’s reviews) And it’s true. Once you’re past what we used to called ‘The infamous Chapter Nine,” now the starting scene in Book 2, it gets better and better and better… (I read the original story before it was published. Trust me, you want it in several books, it’s riveting and a big story.)

    I also had to put that down when I read it and think about whether to continue. However, so glad I did and BDSM is not my thing. But these characters and story line develop such depth, it became heard to put down. Mikey Rakes also always writes love and redemption novels. They’re gritty, real, raw, deep, and compelling.

    Can’t say enough good things about the Trainwreck series. 🙂

    Aloha Meg Amor

    1. michelerakes
      michelerakes at |

      Thanks so much. I honestly don’t know what to say, Meg. It’s scary putting this one out there for folks to read.

  3. theostclaire
    theostclaire at |

    Great reviews, Dan! I’m so glad you decided to stick this one out because this is such an amazing serial and Mikey is such an amazing author!
    Just so happens I LOVE dark, twisted, and convoluted. A re-read is definitely in order soon.

    1. michelerakes
      michelerakes at |

      Hehehe.? Vince has that ability to make you love him and hate him. I think we’ve discussed this before…lol. Thanks, Theo.


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