Since it’s Thursday I thought we’d do a Thursday Throwback, and revisit a novel I wrote way back in the day! (like I dunno. 2010?) LOL.
It’s close to my heart, because I love the area of Utah where I set it. It’s a romance with elements of suspense, but as usual with me, the story is more about returning home and righting the wrongs of the past.
A lot of the stories I like best are based on a single esoteric “what if” question? In this case, the question was: Would I be willing to look the other way when a miscarriage of justice occurs if speaking out means I’ll lose everything?
While I was writing the book, I had no idea how many times I’d be asking myself that question in the following years. None of us can know what will happen in our sphere of influence that will test this question, whether it’s some kind of school hazing activity, or coming forward with allegations of rape against a superstar, or witnessing police brutality. But coincidentally, none of us has any clear idea of the kind of courage we possess until we are tested.
So, a little prize-y, giveaway thing, in honor of Throwback Thursday! I’ll edit this paragraph to indicate when the contest is closed, I promise ———–>
The first five people to email me at zamaxfield (at) zamaxfield (dot) come and ask me for one, will receive an ebook copy of The Pharaoh’s Concubine as my gift! Thanks for reading!
***EDIT Midnight Thursday PDT*** OKAY! We have our winners, thanks!
Here’s a blurb:
Beauty is only skin deep…until love reveals what lies beneath.
As mob boss Yvgeny Mosko’s open secret, Dylan Anderson is happy enough”with a passionate, if loveless, arrangement that affords him a life of luxury. But at thirty-six, he wonders how committed Mosko will be to an aging lover.
He finds out when a rival gang kidnaps him in a turf war everyone’s sure to lose. Mosko unleashes deadly force, leaving no one alive except for a young man whose dark eyes tug at Dylan’s heart—and the conscience he thought he’d excised long ago.
Though he tried to stop the kidnapping, William “Memo” Escobar knows Mosko will use what’s left of him to send a powerful message to his rivals. When Mosko’s pampered pretty boy risks everything to help him escape, he can’t believe his luck.
William figures he’s better suited to life off the grid, but as the days go by he begins to realize Dylan’s beauty is more than skin deep. And as Dylan coaxes more and more beguiling smiles from William, he yearns for things—like family ties—he’d thought were best forgotten.
Yet behind their newfound happiness lurks the certain knowledge that no matter how careful they are, Mosko will come for what’s his.
Warning: This book contains a mob boss, a kept man, and a reluctant kidnapper who will never have to hear the words, “Size doesn’t matter.”
For a peek at The Pharaoh’s Concubine, clink HERE!
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Looks good, thank you for this giveaway and my email is sent