Reviewed by Sarina
TITLE: Take it Like a Man Antholgy
EDITED BY: Elizabeth L. Brooks
AUTHORS: Sean Michael, B.A. Tortuga, Lorne Rodman, Mychael Black, Lily G. Blunt, T. Strange
PUBLISHER: Torquere Press
LENGTH: 127 pages
RELEASE DATE: January 28, 2014
They say that size doesn’t matter, but for some, size is all that matters. If that’s you, Take It Like A Man has got you covered! We’re ready to stretch you to the limit with big boys and big toys galore.
In “Just What the Doctor Ordered” from Lorne Rodman, doctor Gregg has a prescription for Sam to cure what ails him. Dylan Mackenzie leads a secret double life, but an unexpected encounter at the private BDSM club he frequents is about to change everything in Mychael Black’s “Just a Little Bit More.” In “Too Good” by T. Strange, Josh is thrilled when a hot guy goes home with him, but he’s not sure that Roy is telling him everything.
Casey is resigned to playing piano in swanky hotels and bars, until his ex, Derek, turns up in BA Tortuga’s “Monkey Suit.” In Lily G. Blunt’s “The Perfect Size for You”, the well-endowed Ty takes on an inexperienced client and breaks the first rule of rent boys: don’t get attached. And Hammer Club fans will be thrilled to see Marcus and Jim joining Billy and Tanny in Sean Michael’s “The Games We Play.”
From toys to plugs to extremely well endowed men, this anthology has a little, or big, something for everyone. There was a good variety offered here and I liked the majority of the stories which made this a worthwhile read for me. Most of the stories are short enough they can be read when you have a few spare minutes to spend but there were a couple of longer ones that felt a little more complete; regardless of length, however, all the offerings presented here were well worth the read, especially if you like a little extra something with your men.
Just What the Doctor Ordered by Lorne Rodman: 4*
Cute story about two men coming together over a mishap with a toy. I liked both men and while this was one of the shorter stories, it didn’t feel rushed or incomplete. I overall enjoyed the story and the only thing that bothered me was the way Gregg spoke outside of the hospital; it didn’t really seem to fit after seeing him in the beginning of the story but that could just be me.
Just a Little Bit More by Mychael Black: 3.5*
I love a good friends to lovers story and the bit of kink offered here just gave it a little more spice. While I liked the story in general, I was a little disappointed that the time between Dylan and Max was so short; I would have loved it if the author had given more of a glimpse of the two men coming together as something more than friends. I liked what was presented here but came away a little dissatisfied in the end.
Too Good by T. Strange: 2.5*
While this was one of the longer stories in the anthology, it was also, unfortunately, my least favorite. I never really felt like I got to hear much of Roy’s voice in this. Even worse, however, was the complete lack of chemistry I felt between him and Josh. There was obviously a great deal of lust going on between them but really, that was it, and honestly, I didn’t believe anything would last between them other than a friends with benefits situation, if that. I also didn’t like the situation with the set up and found the subpar (or lack of) apologies off putting. Seriously, I would’ve socked either Roy or Tony in the face, maybe both.
Monkey Suit by B.A. Tortuga: 5*
This was by far my favorite story of the book. I found the characters and situation believable and I enjoyed getting to see the re-connection between Derek and Casey. The only thing that would’ve made this story better would’ve been getting to see them settled somewhere after Derek’s business was concluded.
The Perfect Size for You by Lily G. Blunt: 3.5*
I don’t usually care for stories that deal with the sex industry but it was kind of nice seeing Tyrone introduce Andy to his sexuality. This was another long one that gave plenty of lead up to both men realizing just what they had between them and the ending was kind of sweet, even if I don’t understand how Andy could stand to share.
The Games We Play by Sean Michael: 4*
Fans of the Hammer Series will obviously recognize the couples featured here. J While I enjoyed getting to see Jim, Marcus, Billy and Tanny again, I didn’t get to see as much as I expected in regards to the theme of the book. While the items being utilized were mentioned, you never get to see them being interacted with save for being nudged and it would’ve been a more interesting read (for me anyway) if something more had been done. I enjoyed this one more for the familiarity of the setting and characters than I did any writing towards the overall theme.