6 Responses

  1. Sadonna
    Sadonna at |

    Wow! Good for you! Some friends of friends just did this – they are taking a year on a sailboat right now 🙂 They both their jobs and are doing something they’ve always wanted to do and doing it while they will really enjoy it. Change is stressful, but necessary for growth. I wish you much happiness and success and congrats on your kid’s college graduation – a wonderful moment in every parent’s life!

  2. Lisa
    Lisa at |

    Congrats on the new/next chapter in your lives. And on your child’s graduation. Each time I think my son’s is maybe one semester closer something happens to postpone it again. He may actually graduate before he retires!

    1. Shira
      Shira at |

      Hahaha! I’m sure he’ll finish up, and then what a celebration you’ll have!

  3. 16forward
    16forward at |

    Between Love Bytes and Prism reviews I have so many of your books on my TBR list! Good luck.

    1. Shira
      Shira at |

      Thanks so much! Happy reading. <3


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