Post 25 brings us the following question for the wonderful prize package below
“suggestions for the blog are always welcome , we asked before but are always happy to hear more ,so what kind of suggestion do you have for Love Bytes :)”
A backlist title by RJ Scott
A backlist title by Rebecca Cohen
A backlist title by Victoria Sue
Ecopy bundle Out of Somewhere & Out of Nowhere by Roan Parrish
Ecopy of Holiday Hoax or Guys’s Thanksgiving or Five Ways a Boy can break your heart (winners choice) by Skylar Cates
Ecopy of Bound by SJD Peterson
Ecopy of the Complete Isle Series by Sue Brown
A $10 Amazon/Are Gc donated by Serena Yates
An audio code How to Walk Like a Man by Eli Easton
I love your blog! Maybe you can see if more authora would be interested in guest blogging.
I really love the blog the way it is, I would not change many things… Perhaps, If you could convince writers to write little codas, or follow up stories on their favourite characters… That would be great for a section!
I enjoy the blog as it is, the only thing I could think of to add is possible character interviews ot takeovers.
The blog has evolved really well, I love the reviews and the guest posts. Perhaps Character interviews/chats could be included.
I like it the way it is. The three column layout is my favorite kind, so I wouldn’t want you to change that.
Can’t remember if you have an author do a review of the current book they’re reading so we can see what kind of books they read.
I don’t know if it would be possible but maybe like a day were guest authors each week contribute to a story that continues the next week with a new author. That could be fun.
Life the blog, your doing everything right.
I love your blog, i keep coming back to read the posts so that says something about how you all do a fantastic job
A suggestion would be a Q&A or a item a week where readers can ask questions and you (or authors) can answer them,
I love the blog as is. The only change I can think of is an Author recommends feature where authors who have been reviewed can tell readers what book they would recommend.
The only thing I’d change or maybe add is a sort of catalogue of books by sub genre ie May/December or Trans etc so that people looking for specific troopes could find them???
I love the blog just as it is, its the only one I follow regularly!
Love the blog, maybe get more authors and also like Susana suggested some codas.
Happy Thursday! More giveaways!!
I think the blog is great the way it is, but do like some of the suggestions for authors doing a takeover or recommending books they like.
I enjoy this blog just as it is; noticed that many posts reference authors. I l like the idea of hearing more about their inspirations, and aspirations for future works. Thanks again for another great opportunity.
I’m not sure I read series review or was that me missing posts. But series, especially a complete one, reviewed together could be interesting. I think.
Just keep on doing what you’re doing. Love the blog!
As I said before, the occasional film review would be great!
I like the way it is now, have no new suggestions.
I’m not sure what to tell you I’d like to see more on your blog. I enjoy it so much already. Here’s to another great year. Thanks for s chance in the giveaway.
Love this blog, don’t know what i want to add or chance but there are some great suggestions in the comments above
I’m fairly new to the blog, so I don’t have any suggestions. Thanks for doing everything you do!
I love this blog.
Maybe an ongoing list of new authors or new releases with dates of release.
Plus I liked Didi’s idea.
Your blog is so interesting and I look forward to each post. I love the suggestion of putting like series together, for continuity.
I enjoy the blog now! I couldn’t really think of anything to change. There are some interesting suggestions in other comments, though.
I enjoy character interviews.
Love this blog. Maybe have a “coming soon” monthly /weekly post that author could post snippets of their WIPs.
How about joined guest post between an author and a reader. Just invite readers to a certain topic and chosen one can do guest post with author ?
I love your blog. I find it pretty easy to navigate and also to seach for past posts.
I can’t think of anything I’d change. Maybe a linew to am list of upcoming releases/events.
I like as it is, I enjoy the reviews and the author guest posts. Thanks for the giveaway!
I think the blog is fine as it is.
I always love when authors do character interviews…so maybe some more of them?
I also love the blog as is! I also agree with Didi on the series thing. I do love series.