10 Responses

  1. Meg Amor
    Meg Amor at |

    Aloha, Thanks so much for this post. This is me to a T too. 🙂 I go a little batshit if I’m not writing. And I also don’t get writer’s block unless I’m trying to get my characters to do something they don’t want to do. Then they dig in their toes and refuse to speak to me.

    I’m so glad someone else goes into their happy place of romance and happenings like I do. I miss my characters when I’m away from them. I miss the house The Hawaiians series is set in. I was just thinking today, they’re my happy place. I feel at home with them and the reality there.

    And I can so relate to the beach house experience. LOL. I think of all the bloody miserable holidays I’ve taken by myself to fabulous places. And I’ve been bored. I would have been so much happier taking my laptop with me and being in both worlds at once.

    So thanks. This is just what I needed today. It’s perfect.

    Aloha Meg Amor 🙂

    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      You’re very welcome, Meg! Thank you very much for sharing your awesome comment. It’s nice to know we’re not alone in this. Aloha! 😀


  2. Lavender Wynter
    Lavender Wynter at |

    The last 4 months, I think, has seen no less than 120 thousand words from me. That’s a feat considering I wrote about that much in 2014 and 2015 combined (most of the writing was in 2014). How many of those words made it to the current draft is another issue altogether, but point is, I needed a break from 2015… a crazy break, and since getting in the SUV and driving to Houston, TX for a vacation by my lonesome self is rather out of the question, writing is the outlet. If I’m not in reality, I’m inside my head. Sometimes, though, those two merge…

    Just this morning Hubby came downstairs looking at me like I grew fox ears or a third eye and asked, “Who were you yelling at this morning?”

    I replied, “My character. I was her best friend, and she did something stupid, so I was yelling at her.”

    Oops. XD

    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      *laughs* That’s perfect. And I’m glad you’re writing so proficiently! Have a huge highfive. 😀


  3. Jack Frost
    Jack Frost at |

    I’m similar and yet probably completely different in a lot of ways. xD I can stop writing, I always day dream or think up story ideas every day but actually taking the time to put them down in some form or another could easily find months in-between single words. Of course that has to do with the whole time slip thing I keep complaining about. 😛

    By big thing is my inability to let a problem go without a prolonged struggle. If I need to solve a story issue I’ll work at it non-stop even missing an hour or two of work (which I make up for later) as I try to figure out a solution. But I do the same thing when I have a programming issue, or a data reporting issue, everything outside those problems takes an immediate back seat. And every time I give up, or claim to give up, I’m usually back at it in under five minutes.

    I can take a day to myself sometimes, but I could never take a vacation to myself. I’d go insane, I have to do something. I have to accomplish something. Yesterday I figured out how to send alerts to our local Emergency Alert system via SMS. Why do I bring this up? Because I also had a stomach bug and was running to the bathroom every 30 minutes. I couldn’t let it go even then.

    I think my ability to be unaware of time helps to cheat on the “always” writing bit. I finished a chapter this morning that I started in December. And it was like I’d only written it the day before.

    Anyway, long story short. Thank you for sharing your experiences. 😀

    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      My pleasure, Frost, thank YOU for sharing back! Sorry to hear about the stomach bug, though. Your persistence throughout it is, however, remarkable. 😀


  4. Diane Fair
    Diane Fair at |

    As an educator, it’s always great to hear from ‘real authors.’ Sharing how it works, for each of you, is motivating for struggling writers.

    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      Thanks, Diane! But you are no less real than I am. If you’re writing, even if it’s a struggle, you’re doing great. Keep up the awesome work and I’m extremely happy that you found the post motivating. <3

  5. drawboy
    drawboy at |

    Thank you very much for your post and your reply, my friend! 😀 This is such a beautiful blog post! I can not tell you enough how happy it makes me and how great it is knowing that you find so much happiness in your work! That you feel so drawn to it and that you can be so dedicated. 🙂

    Of course I am not an author but being an artist as well, I know exactly how you feel. No matter where I am or what I do, part of my brain is always thinking of the drawing I am working on. The need to tweak perspective a bit here and to change color a tad there. Or what other projects I am planning. What reference I need to look up. The brushes I want to try. There is always something. 😀

    It is a blessing to do that and when I am at work, I miss being able to draw like crazy!


    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      *laughs* How many times have I told you that you need to take your tablet to work with you?! Actually… don’t do that. You might get fired. XD

      Thank you very much, my friend. <3


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