Isn’t still the 16 th somewhere in the world ?
Well lets add some extra prizes to this lotto post also because somewhere it might still be my birthday
A backlist title by JL Merrow
A backlist title by Jay Northcote
Two backlist copies by Josephine Myles
Ecopy of Release the Stars by Harper Bliss
Ecopy if Chaos Unchained by James Cox
Ecopy of Two Pet Dicks by John Inman
A Signed Paperback of the Simmer Anthology donated by T.J Masters
A $20 Giftcard donated by Lisa Oliver
An audiocode of choice donated by Greg Tremblay
An audiocode + ebook of Shelter by Ashley John
Leave a comment telling us what would you like to get as a gift on your next birthday
So MUCH awesomeness! And for my next birthday I want the new kindle Oasis…
Awesome giveaway. My next birthday? I’d like to spend a week in Berlin. Thank you.
I’d love to spend my next birthday in Paris or Amsterdam…hope you had a fabulously happy birthday
Wow! Once again you surpass what a bundle means! As for my next birthday wish what i’d really like is a new car, what i’m actually hoping for is a kitten.
Wow? Anything? If there are no limits I’d like enough money to live comfortably. Realistically? Some gift cards for booksellers would be wonderful.
For my next birthday? Not sure. I always get gift cards which is nice but maybe a road trip to a B&B somewhere here in Texas!
I think this is my favourite lotto post yet!
Next birthday (handily in 2 weeks!!) I would like a watch – havent had a decent watch for years, so a good one would be appreciated
The prizes just keep getting better.
Wonderful giveaway. I’d like to have a new bag and shoes. Thank you.
Wow, what an amazing collection. Thanks Dani and donors
Oh and for my next birthday, book tokens! People think they’re boring, but to me they are guilt free book buying
Hmmmmm, My birthday is just before GRL every year. I’d love a nice celebratory dinner with my GRL friends I think. I had one in ATL with some friends and then a Patty Griffin concert. It was heavenly!!
I am not sure what I want for my birthday, it’s several months away. I generally just ask for money or gift cards to put towards something specific.
Very cool giveaway! For my birthday I’d like a dishwasher – and books, books, and more books.
I’d love to win enough money so we could live very well for the rest of our lives and travel wherever we wanted.
Awesome prize list, thanks again for the chance. On my next birthday i would like to have concert tickets
Wonderful giveaway, thank you. I would like a new deck for my next birthday to sit and read.
Gift for my next birthday? I’d like a Kindle Fire and Gift cards too.
Happy Sunday!!
Happy extra Birthday wishes
Hmm. what do i want for my next birthday? I like a nice dinner, a candlelit bath and alone time to read without interruptions. Thanks for the chance
Urgh, I want my company to allow me two more weeks of BIRTHDAY vacation *lol*
I always wish for Amazon gift cards for my birthday. Thanks for the giveaway.
Just found your blog – read the author/reader space post, loved it!
Happy birthday! For my next birthday I would really like to stop being sick so much. Being that is more a wish for candle blowing than reality, I will never turn down books for my birthday. Jenny B / Blackrose
24 hours of peace and spoiling. Isn’t it nice to get that one day out of the year?
Goodness, one awesome lotto after another!! My wish for the next birthday… let’s see. A few days getaway of peace and quiet somewhere, all by myself.
If I could have ANYTHING for my next birthday gift (mine is April 10), I’d have a vacation in Rome, exploring the ruins. Or, a trip to Australia, to see sharks in the beautiful ocean, and to watch the water spin down the drain “the wrong way”, lol.
Happy belated! Such an amazing giveaway! For my next birthday, I would love a new iPad ~ either the iPad Pro or the mini. ?
For my next birthday I would like a nice, relaxing day with no chores and lots of reading.
For my next birthday, I’d love a nice dinner and gift cards for more books.
Quiet time to read and then go to the theatre
thank you for another wonderful giveaway
I think if it is 5:00 somewhere then it most probably is the 16th! Have a margarita and keep on celebrating!
Thanks for all the really great gifts!
To go see my grandson.
I would like a trip to England.
Anything at all? I’d love to go to Italy. But realistically, I’d be very happy with gift cards to buy books, maybe a new pair of shoes. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Best birthday gifts are definitely books in any shape or form.
My birthday is the time when I have my final exams so I don’t have a lot of free time those days. But a GCs is what i like the most, I can spend them later.
Next birthday–any gift cards I can buy books with. But if I was really dreaming, I’d love to visit Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, and then make a side-trip to Sedona, Arizona.
I’d love a tour of Canada!
Happy Birthday! A day late,
So many wonderful prizes. I’ll love to travel somewhere with a diverse food scene.
Yet another great grp of authors. My birthday is actually coming up, so I should get an early present, right? I actually have already gotten an early bday gift – I’m now engaged to my partner of 12 years! So maybe an early wedding gift?
More books for my birthday
I would love for my kids to take me on a vacation to one of my favorite places!
Happy Extended Birthday! lol
I don’t see any reason why you can extend the birthday celebration. I don’t really celebrate mine with presents, I typically am lucky enough to spend a weekend away with friends & that’s celebration enough for me!
My family doesn’t really do presents so much, but gift cards for books are always appreciated.
Hope you had a wonderful birthday! I’m not picky when it comes to gifts. Just spending the day with my family is enough for me, but gift cards are always appreciated…lol.
My birthday is next week and I’d love gift cards so I can buy more books, and I am lucky maybe can win one of the lotto packages.
Thanks for this great chance! I always want to receive more books for my birthday