51 Responses

  1. sabrinad1977
    sabrinad1977 at |

    So MUCH awesomeness! And for my next birthday I want the new kindle Oasis…

  2. Rash
    Rash at |

    Awesome giveaway. My next birthday? I’d like to spend a week in Berlin. Thank you.

  3. Ardent Ereader
    Ardent Ereader at |

    I’d love to spend my next birthday in Paris or Amsterdam…hope you had a fabulously happy birthday

  4. Trishia White
    Trishia White at |

    Wow! Once again you surpass what a bundle means! As for my next birthday wish what i’d really like is a new car, what i’m actually hoping for is a kitten.

  5. Allison
    Allison at |

    Wow? Anything? If there are no limits I’d like enough money to live comfortably. Realistically? Some gift cards for booksellers would be wonderful. 🙂

  6. juliesmall1959
    juliesmall1959 at |

    For my next birthday? Not sure. I always get gift cards which is nice but maybe a road trip to a B&B somewhere here in Texas!

  7. suze294
    suze294 at |

    I think this is my favourite lotto post yet!

    Next birthday (handily in 2 weeks!!) I would like a watch – havent had a decent watch for years, so a good one would be appreciated

  8. felinewyvern
    felinewyvern at |

    The prizes just keep getting better.

  9. teecee
    teecee at |

    Wonderful giveaway. I’d like to have a new bag and shoes. Thank you.

  10. jennysmum2000
    jennysmum2000 at |

    Wow, what an amazing collection. Thanks Dani and donors 🙂

    1. jennysmum2000
      jennysmum2000 at |

      Oh and for my next birthday, book tokens! People think they’re boring, but to me they are guilt free book buying 😀

  11. Sadonna
    Sadonna at |

    Hmmmmm, My birthday is just before GRL every year. I’d love a nice celebratory dinner with my GRL friends I think. I had one in ATL with some friends and then a Patty Griffin concert. It was heavenly!!

  12. AnnMarieF
    AnnMarieF at |

    I am not sure what I want for my birthday, it’s several months away. I generally just ask for money or gift cards to put towards something specific.

  13. bastdazbog
    bastdazbog at |

    Very cool giveaway! For my birthday I’d like a dishwasher – and books, books, and more books. 🙂

  14. Penumbra
    Penumbra at |

    I’d love to win enough money so we could live very well for the rest of our lives and travel wherever we wanted.

  15. Laura05
    Laura05 at |

    Awesome prize list, thanks again for the chance. On my next birthday i would like to have concert tickets 🙂

  16. Cornelia
    Cornelia at |

    Wonderful giveaway, thank you. I would like a new deck for my next birthday to sit and read.

  17. Shirley Ann Speakman
    Shirley Ann Speakman at |

    Gift for my next birthday? I’d like a Kindle Fire and Gift cards too.

  18. Kara Guido
    Kara Guido at |

    Happy Sunday!!

  19. debby236
    debby236 at |

    Happy extra Birthday wishes

  20. Denise M Dechene
    Denise M Dechene at |

    Hmm. what do i want for my next birthday? I like a nice dinner, a candlelit bath and alone time to read without interruptions. Thanks for the chance

  21. Ami
    Ami at |

    Urgh, I want my company to allow me two more weeks of BIRTHDAY vacation *lol*

  22. Tammy Anita
    Tammy Anita at |

    I always wish for Amazon gift cards for my birthday. Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. dianerr
    dianerr at |

    Just found your blog – read the author/reader space post, loved it!

  24. Blackrose
    Blackrose at |

    Happy birthday! For my next birthday I would really like to stop being sick so much. Being that is more a wish for candle blowing than reality, I will never turn down books for my birthday. Jenny B / Blackrose

  25. Dee
    Dee at |

    24 hours of peace and spoiling. Isn’t it nice to get that one day out of the year?

  26. Didi
    Didi at |

    Goodness, one awesome lotto after another!! My wish for the next birthday… let’s see. A few days getaway of peace and quiet somewhere, all by myself.

  27. nicki442
    nicki442 at |

    If I could have ANYTHING for my next birthday gift (mine is April 10), I’d have a vacation in Rome, exploring the ruins. Or, a trip to Australia, to see sharks in the beautiful ocean, and to watch the water spin down the drain “the wrong way”, lol.

  28. Mila Grayson
    Mila Grayson at |

    Happy belated! Such an amazing giveaway! For my next birthday, I would love a new iPad ~ either the iPad Pro or the mini. ?

  29. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    For my next birthday I would like a nice, relaxing day with no chores and lots of reading. 🙂

  30. JenCW
    JenCW at |

    For my next birthday, I’d love a nice dinner and gift cards for more books. 🙂

  31. Sula
    Sula at |

    Quiet time to read and then go to the theatre 🙂 thank you for another wonderful giveaway

  32. 16forward
    16forward at |

    I think if it is 5:00 somewhere then it most probably is the 16th! Have a margarita and keep on celebrating!

    Thanks for all the really great gifts!

  33. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    To go see my grandson.

  34. Jbst
    Jbst at |

    I would like a trip to England.

  35. Toni
    Toni at |

    Anything at all? I’d love to go to Italy. But realistically, I’d be very happy with gift cards to buy books, maybe a new pair of shoes. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  36. flutterfli
    flutterfli at |

    Best birthday gifts are definitely books in any shape or form.

  37. Serena S.
    Serena S. at |

    My birthday is the time when I have my final exams so I don’t have a lot of free time those days. But a GCs is what i like the most, I can spend them later. 😉

  38. mztikicat
    mztikicat at |

    Next birthday–any gift cards I can buy books with. But if I was really dreaming, I’d love to visit Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, and then make a side-trip to Sedona, Arizona.

  39. Trix
    Trix at |

    I’d love a tour of Canada!

  40. Alishea Durham
    Alishea Durham at |

    Happy Birthday! A day late,

  41. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    So many wonderful prizes. I’ll love to travel somewhere with a diverse food scene.

  42. Tex Reader
    Tex Reader at |

    Yet another great grp of authors. My birthday is actually coming up, so I should get an early present, right? I actually have already gotten an early bday gift – I’m now engaged to my partner of 12 years! So maybe an early wedding gift?

  43. Angela
    Angela at |

    More books for my birthday 🙂

  44. Ree Dee
    Ree Dee at |

    I would love for my kids to take me on a vacation to one of my favorite places!

  45. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    Happy Extended Birthday! lol

  46. lisa44837
    lisa44837 at |

    I don’t see any reason why you can extend the birthday celebration. I don’t really celebrate mine with presents, I typically am lucky enough to spend a weekend away with friends & that’s celebration enough for me!

  47. waxapplelover
    waxapplelover at |

    My family doesn’t really do presents so much, but gift cards for books are always appreciated. 🙂

  48. Lisa
    Lisa at |

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday! I’m not picky when it comes to gifts. Just spending the day with my family is enough for me, but gift cards are always appreciated…lol. 🙂

  49. Angeles G.
    Angeles G. at |

    My birthday is next week and I’d love gift cards so I can buy more books, and I am lucky maybe can win one of the lotto packages.

  50. Stella
    Stella at |

    Thanks for this great chance! I always want to receive more books for my birthday 😀


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