As it is my birthday today we have some extra prizes in our package today !
check it out
A backlist copy of Jeff Adams
A backlist copy of Jacob Flores
Two backlist copies of Josephine Myles
Ecopy of Seasons of Love by Harper Bliss
Ecopy of Release the Stars by Harper Bliss
Ecopy of Toy Soldier’s series: Drago Star and Slash OP by J. Johanis
A Signed Paperback of Broken by Nicola Haken
A $25 Giftcard donated by Kade Boehme
An Audiocode ( or ebook if prefered) of a backlist title by Jordan Castillo Price
An Audiocode (or ebook if prefered ) of a backlist title by Shira Anthony
An Audiocode for a book of choice donated by Greg Tremblay
How about that for a package
Check out the Rafflecopter Link and tell me
What is your favorite way to spend your birthday ?
Holy Guacamole! This is an amazing giveaway. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! My sister’s birthday is 2 weeks after mine so we celebrate together the weekend between our birthdays.
Wow!! What a fantastic giveaway bundle! I enjoy spending time with family, friends, and family of choice for my birthdays. When i was young, that meant parties parties parties, but now that i’m older that means spending time doing enjoyable things. Coffee dates, dinner dates, or just sitting around talking and being with those i love.
My favorite way is to do a day trip somewhere I haven’t been before. Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday! I like to spend mine with friends and/or family.
:0 WOW, what a bundle! Happy birthday, Dani! You have quite the double celebration today. Love Bytes was started just before I discovered my love of M/M Romance. I have 5 blogs that I primarily use to help me find the books that fit me best, this being the first that I started to follow. Have a great birthday and thanks for an opportunity in the giveaway!
Oh, and I love to spend by birthday with my grandchildren followed by an evening curled up with a great book.
I wonder if #13 will be the lucky one for me – especially given all the great prizes
Happy birthday! And wow, what an amazing giveaway! I like to spend my birthday relaxing and doing something I enjoy, and it’s always nice if I can be with family and friends.
Oh wow. I like a drama free birthday – although it seems I rarely get them. If you’ve read Ethan Day’s book Second Time Lucky – my birthdays are at least as bad as – if not worse than – Luke’s. Let’s just say I once spent my birthday in tears at a Winnie the Pooh breakfast at the Crystal Palace at DisneyWorld – THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH! LOL! So really, I’d just settle for a quiet day and a nice dinner with friends a maybe a lovely glass of wine. Angst free! Dani I hope you are still celebrating
Happy happy birthday!
Happy birthday Dani. My favorite way to spend my birthday is with family and friends having a great meal and a birthday cake which must be chocolate of course.
Happy birthday to you!!! Holy moly, what prize package!
Happy, happy birthday, Danielle!
Oh, I usually bake an elaborate cake, go to lunch and shop in a nearby city, then have dinner with family and/or friends!
Whoa, what a great bundle!! So generous offer!
My favorite birthday would be – beside reading, of course – celebrating the day together with my family and close friends. A simple pot luck get together.
Many happy returns, Dani wish; you a fab birthday!
I like to spend my birthday with my friends and family. Happy Birthday to you. Today is my anniversary. 39 years.
Happy Birthday! I love to spend my birthday with my family and parents.
Happy Birthday! Another great giveaway!
Yowza!! I would like to spend my birthday on a tropical island with a fully loaded kindle and a cabana boy to bring me drinks with fruit on sticks and tasty finger foods.
Happy Birthday Dani, i hope you had fun today. The best birthday is spending time with the family
Happy, happy birthday Danielle! I hope all of your wishes come true! I always go to our Triple-A Minor League Baseball team, the Albuquerque Isotopes – farm team for the Colorado Rockies, baseball game with the famdamily
I get peanuts and a ball dog! Thanks for the chance!
Happy Birthday to you and thank you for the chance to win those wonderful prizes
Favourite birthday treat is to visit the theatre, afternoon tea and spend time with the family.
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!! I love spending my birthday with family and friends.
Happy Birthday! I like to spend my birthday going to a nice dinner and receiving balloons and handmade chocolate candies
Happy, happy birthday! And thanks for sharing it with us via this awesome prize package.
My favorite way to spend my birthday is to relax at home with my family and eat/drink my favorite things. Oh and read extra.
Happy Birthday, fellow Aries! (My BD was last Sunday.)
What a beautiful day for a birthday! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! What great authors you’ve chosen to gift us with!!! Josephine, Kade, Jordan, Nicola, and Shira, to name just a few! Have a happy day!
I like to spend my birthday with family. Wonderful giveaway, thank you.
Happy birthday Dani! I like to spend my birthday with friends and family. For a few years the tradition was to eat Indian food, but occasionally we shake it up and do something different like Japanese food.
First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! As for me I always prefer to treat myself on my birthday. Either having spa massage as a way to pamper myself or just be with good friends and eat out.
I like a fairly quiet birthday…family and my best friend at a little restaurant
Happy Birthday Dani <3
another amazing giveaway!
Wow, is this a double giveaway? Great pkg. Happy bday, and for me, I like to spend it playing some tennis, having some friends over for a party and then going out to dinner, and ending the night in bed with my partner
Happy birthdya, thank you for the amazing gifts!
Laying in bed reading to my hearts content.
Happy Birthday! My birthdays in a couple of weeks and I don’t know how I’m going to spend it. I don’t usually do anything special or hold a tradition.
Hope your are having a wonderful Birthday! I love spending Sundays with my family! Just lazing around together eating and chatting.
Well my birthday is quite awesome as I’m a twin and he bet me a case of beer that I was going to have my daughter on our birthday and he won!!! So we celebrate by going out to dinner or if a hockey game is played on that day then we go to that. So in other words our shared birthday is AWESOME!!!
I think Jill wins!
My best way to celebrate would be not having to do all those mundane daily jobs and being able to relax with friends and family
Happy birthday! I usually spend my birthday with my family and friends.
Congratulations. I like a party with friends and family on my birthday
Happy Birthday! I like to spend the day with family and just relaxing! Great prize package.
Happy Belated b-day! I like to spend mine travelling. Thanks for the giveaway
Happy belated birthday, DanI. Hope you had a blast. I like to spend mine with my sick daughter. Thank you again.
Happy Birthday! I like to spend it with my family.
Happy belated birthday. I like to read all day long for mine. Thanks!
Happy birthday! And thanks for the giveaway.
I like to spend my birthday with my friends, go out to have lunch and spend the night watching a movie and reading. I’m not fond of clubbing or anything alike.