Hello, everybody! I’m Alex Whitehall, and I’m here today touring for my New Adult story, Second Skin, which is about Jay and Roswell, who are on a journey of love, acceptance, and self-discovery.
But I’m not going to talk about Second Skin today. See, a great thing about being a writer is that we’re always moving forward. Once a story is done, it’s on to the next. And if you’re me, which I am, you usually have a few coals in the fire. And pots on the stove. And other such metaphors. For instance, I’m in the middle of writing two stories, have one in the resting period, two with beta reader feedback, another looking for a beta reader, and finally at least one that needs rewritten completely. And that doesn’t include all the ones on “hiatus.”
I’m the suspicious sort that doesn’t like to talk about stories I’m working on, but the two finished projects are fair game. One is a YA/NA gay trans romance set in the horse world. Much like Second Skin, it deals with acceptance and self-realization–that high school/college age is ideal for such explorations. Plus it has two cowboys, a very pretty horse, a crappy mother, and an understanding father. I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of a roll in the hay.
The other story is a call-back to what used to be my bread and butter in writing: fantasy. The story involves a bear shifter who was kidnapped from his home and the spell-caster who saves him. This one came to me in a NaNoWriMo-like frenzy, where every day after work I’d just sit and write a thousand words. Over the course of last February, I finished the first draft, and while I’m sure it needs a lot of work, I’m really looking forward to diving in and developing the story into a fully fleshed-out tale. There’s trust issues, politics, and sacrifices. What’s not to love?
Those two stories are what’s most likely to be “coming soon” from me, but if you want updates on what’s on my screen or being submitted, be sure to follow my blog!
About Second Skin
When Jay heads to the university’s learning center for help with his math class, he doesn’t expect his tutor to be tall, dark, and handsome. But Roswell is all that and more, and their instant connection over cult movies, books, and TV shows quickly evolves into dating.
That’s when things get tricky.
Roswell might claim he doesn’t have issues with Jay being trans, but when he’s constantly insisting they “take it slow,” Jay’s not so sure. He’s been hurt before, and he’s not going to let it happen again.
But then Roswell reveals that he, too, has a few secrets under his skin.
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About Alex Whitehall
If there are two types of people in the world, Alex Whitehall probably isn’t one of them, despite being a person. Their favorite pastimes include reading, horseback riding, sleeping, watching geek-tastic television, knitting, eating, and running. And wasting time on the internet. And spending glorious evenings laughing with friends.
While Alex prefers sleeping over doing anything else (except maybe eating), sometimes they emerge from the cave to be social and to hunt for food at the local market. They can be found blogging, reading, and tending after their aloe plants.
Connect with Alex:
- Twitter: @AlexWhitehall
- Email: AlexDWhitehall@gmail.com
- Blogging: alexwhitehall.blogspot.com
- Tumblr: alexwhitehall.tumblr.com
To celebrate the release of Second Skin, Alex is giving away $25 in Riptide credit. Leave a comment to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on April 16, 2016. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!
congrats on the new release
Thanks! And thanks for stopping by
cool cover!
Thanks! I’m super happy with.
Secrets, secrets! Makes for great reading.
debby236 at gmail dot com
Definitely, and learning about those secrets can cause a lot of problems!
Happy release week & blog touring, Alex. Looking forward to read this book.
puspitorinid AT yahoo DOT com
Thanks. I hope you enjoy it
Congrats on your new book. I loved “Hold Me Tight” as well as reading about trans characters. In fact, I’m a volunteer GED tutor and have some trans students, so “Second Skin” definitely peeks my interest. (nice title by the way)
Thank you so much, that feedback means so much to me!
Thanks for the post! Your two WIPs sound interesting. I love horses and fantasy stories.
I hope they’ll come out soon and you’ll get a chance to read them!
This really sounds lovely!
Thank you for the kind words!
I have this as it did appeal to me – haven’t started yet though
I hope you enjoy it!
It is indeed a lovely cover. The fantasy WiP sounds intriguing as well. Thanks for the post. legacylandlisa(at)gmail(dot)com
Thanks for stopping by!
Congrats on the new release and good luck with the WIP =) They sound really good.
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
Thanks for the post! Your WIPs sound intriguing! violet817(at)aol(dot)com
Sounds like a great book!
Thanks! I hope if you check it out you enjoy it.
Congratulations on the release!
Thank you so much! (And thanks for stopping by!)
I can not wait till I have time to read this title. anthonytaylor121 @ hotmail.com
I’m glad to hear you’re excited. Thanks for stopping by!