Love Bytes is delighted to be a part of this wonderful line up of blogs that are hosting this great new blog tour by J.A Rock.
J.A joins us today to read from her co-written book with Lisa Henry, “Brandon Mills versus the V-Card. She also brought along a copy for one Lucky reader.
Welcome J.A.
Hi! I’m J.A. Rock, and welcome to the Rockin’ Read Aloud Tour—where once a week, a super awesome romance blog hosts a video of me reading aloud from my backlist. Thanks so much to Love Bytes Reviews for hosting me today, where I’m reading from Brandon Mills versus the V-Card, Book 2 in Lisa Henry’s and my Prescott College series that started with Mark Cooper versus America.
Lisa and I love working on the Prescott College series, and we’ve got a couple of new Prescott books planned for next year—we’re excited to give you details about that soon! Today I’m reading the “dinosaurs fucking meant something” scene in Brandon Mills, where sweet but awkward Alex valiantly attempts to give up his spot on his fraternity’s Academic Challenge team to reclusive Brandon. If you already know the story and don’t need to hear me summarize it, you can skip to 2:40 in the video.
I’ll be giving away a copy of BMvtV-C, so comment on this post if you’d like a chance to win! You can follow the tour at the stops listed below. There will be a giveaway at each stop, plus one more special guest reader.
So grab your giant wineglass and let’s head to Prescott!
Watch Episode 5: Brandon Mills versus the V-Card
Follow the Tour
March 19th – Boy Meets Boy (Calling the Show)
March 25th – Prism Book Alliance (The Subs Club)
March 31st – Joyfully Jay (Pain Slut) with special guest J.A. Rock’s mom.
April 4th – The Novel Approach (When All the World Sleeps)
April 11th – Love Bytes (Brandon Mills versus the V-Card)
April 16th – Sinfully Gay Romance (The Grand Ballast)
April 20th – Crystal’s Many Reviewers (The Good Boy)
About Brandon Mills versus the V-Card
Smart, shy Prescott sophomore Brandon Mills is working hard to overcome his troubled past and be normal. Life at Prescott, and in his fraternity, Phi Sigma Kappa, is good. With the help of his friends Mark and Deacon, Brandon is slowly coming out of his shell. When he accidentally drenches a freshman in orange soda, though, he faces something he’s not ready for: a boy crushing on him. Alex Kekoa pledges Phi Sig because it has everything he wants—a house full of nerds who won’t tease him for being smart, a dog, and Brandon Mills. Brandon is just the type of guy Alex needs to help fulfill his college ambition: losing his virginity. Except Alex doesn’t know that Brandon can’t stand to touch or be touched. When Alex and Brandon are drafted onto the Phi Sig Academic Challenge team, they start spending time together. If there’s anyone who can help Brandon discover it feels good to touch and kiss, maybe it’s klutzy Alex with his cute glasses and his dinosaur obsession. But as the competition–and their relationship–heats up, Alex’s determination not to die a virgin clashes with Brandon’s vow of lifelong celibacy, forcing them to examine what’s truly important to each of them about love.
About the Authors
J.A. Rock is the author of queer romance and suspense novels, including By His Rules, Take The Long Way Home, and, with Lisa Henry, The Good Boy And When All The World Sleeps. She holds an MFA in creative writing from the University of Alabama and a BA in theater from Case Western Reserve University. J.A. also writes queer fiction and essays under the name Jill Smith. Raised in Ohio and West Virginia, she now lives in Chicago with her dog, Professor Anne Studebaker.
Lisa likes to tell stories, mostly with hot guys and happily ever afters.
Lisa lives in tropical North Queensland, Australia. She doesn’t know why, because she hates the heat, but she suspects she’s too lazy to move. She spends half her time slaving away as a government minion, and the other half plotting her escape.
She attended university at sixteen, not because she was a child prodigy or anything, but because of a mix-up between international school systems early in life. She studied History and English, neither of them very thoroughly.
She shares her house with too many cats, a green tree frog that swims in the toilet, and as many possums as can break in every night. This is not how she imagined life as a grown-up.
Leave a comment with your contact info for a chance to win a copy of Brandon Mills versus the V-Card! Entries will close at 11:59 p.m. EST on April 14th, 2016.
For a second there I couldn’t find the link for the reading, lol. Thank you for the post and I love the shirt and another spectacular reading =)
forgot my info. humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
I’m loving this tour. I liked the first book in the series, and this sounds just as good.
waxapplelover (at) gmail (dot) com
I don’t want to be entered because I already have the book. I just want to say how cool I think the readings are. Thanks for sharing!
Oh also, I’m excited there’ll be more in this series in the future!
Thanks for stopping by, you guys! So nice to hear your thoughts.
Thanks for a chance to win and new to your series.