16 Responses

  1. Didi
    Didi at |

    I think I’m one of the tamest fan ever. The farthest I did was collecting art book and OVA of manga series I love, besides the manga books itself. See. Tame. 😀

    1. Lex Chase
      Lex Chase at |

      I must know Didi! What manga was it? I can tell you stories how I spent years during the advent of high speed internet trying to track down the Xenogears Perfect Works art book. I was just arranging my bookcase today and flipping through my Hirohito Mikimoto art books. He’s the Macross/Robotech guy. LOVE his watercolors! <3

      1. Didi
        Didi at |

        It was Shungiku Nakamura’s Junjou Romantica; I accidentally saw the OVA on the internet first. Her works introduced me to Yaoi manga. 🙂

        1. Lex Chase
          Lex Chase at |

          Hells yes! I fell into yaoi by way of doujinshi or fan made comics with slash pairings. It got to a point I collected the doujins by the artist JUST for the art! 😀 There was a fantastic Final Fantasy VII doujin artist I adored. <3

  2. James Robert
    James Robert at |

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this great giveaway. I appreciate this!

  3. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    When I am a fan of something or someone, I am more apt to want to learn about it/them than collect stuff or anything like that. Or, if it is an author – I just read everything they write. 🙂 I have waited in line for tickets to shows, but that was because the person I was with was a big fan and I was keeping them company.

    1. Lex Chase
      Lex Chase at |

      I’m kind of a mix. Not only find out everything about the person, but also collect stuff. One of my odd quirky gems of my collection is a fan made keychain with a film cell from a Lost commercial from the UK. Yeah. Really. LOLOLOL

      And aren’t you a good friend! I “took one for the team” as we say and I camped out opening day at the new Star Wars with my Dad. I wasn’t a fan before. I was like “I don’t care. But my Dad loves it. But I don’t caaaarrreee….” I came out of the theater a convert. LOL

  4. Sreve
    Sreve at |

    I don’t have any great fandom story – the most I’ve done is stand in long lines for movies like Lord of the RIngs.

    1. Lex Chase
      Lex Chase at |

      Still a good one anyway! I think standing in long lines for movies has almost become a second job for me. LOL I seem to only be doing it every other month or so. I think Captain America: Civil War is next on the list of standing in a stupid long line. LOL

  5. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    I’ve never gone to any extreme in my fandom.

    1. Lex Chase
      Lex Chase at |

      You’ve sat back with the sane people right? Excellent place to be! That was me in the True Blood fandom because….whooooooaaa. Those guys. They can be a bit passionate!

  6. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I can’t say I’m a superfan. I won’t do anything too extreme or out there mainly because I’m introvert and a touch lazy.

    1. Lex Chase
      Lex Chase at |

      That’s okay H.B! You do you. 😀

  7. Serena S.
    Serena S. at |

    I’m not a die-hard fan or anything. But years ago, when I was younger and prices weren’t over the top, I bought any manga that arrived to the only bookstore in my hometown. It wasn’t much and it was always something different (no way I could had the whole collection because there were always missing volumes) but I was so happy nonetheless. And when I went to college I had the chance to complete those collections. 🙂

    1. Lex Chase
      Lex Chase at |

      Awesome Serena! I remember the days my local comic shop got in fansubs of anime and that was the grey area where overseas licensing wasn’t a thing yet. It was always a joy to get a first gen copy with no recording artifacts! Do you remember when non-translated manga was the only thing you could get? 😀 And you had to look up text file transcripts? Oh man. Those days. LOL

  8. lisa44837
    lisa44837 at |

    I’m not the crazy superfan kind of person either. The most extreme things I do are either try to watch everything the person has been in or read everything the person has written.


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