43 Responses

  1. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    Yes, I do. I love voting for books I’ve read. And it’s a great way to find new books that others love.

  2. Sadonna
    Sadonna at |

    Yes, I do 🙂 My TBR pile is huge, in part thanks to all these lists of books!

  3. Ree Dee
    Ree Dee at |

    I do vote if I have read any of the books nominated or have them on my WANT TO READ List. I do check the results though to see what I should take another look at.

    Thank you for the opportunity!

  4. Ami
    Ami at |

    I haven’t … simply because I don’t really believe in “of the week/month/year” polls. I guess I am one of those readers who like to read what I want, when I want it *grin*

  5. suze294
    suze294 at |

    I do vote each time. I think allowing the multiple votes does sometimes allow results to be skewed – but then maybe my fave books actually aren’t as popular as I thought!
    I enter becasue generally I can’t resist a comp, even if I can’t win!!

  6. Angela
    Angela at |

    I vote almost each time

  7. felinewyvern
    felinewyvern at |

    Sometimes I vote but mostly I forget to see which books are up for voting on.

  8. Penumbra
    Penumbra at |

    I haven’t voted in any of the polls here. I almost never respond to polls of any kind except for elections and prompts for flash fictions.

  9. Jen CW
    Jen CW at |

    I vote when I’ve read the books on the list.I also check out what’s on the list that I might have missed reading as well.

  10. Didi
    Didi at |

    Only occasionally, when there’s a title I’ve read.

  11. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    I vote in them all…I love having my say

  12. Lisa
    Lisa at |

    Occasionally for book/author I really like.

  13. jennysmum2000
    jennysmum2000 at |

    I look at them, mainly to see what books other people are recommending, but i only vote if I’ve read any of the books nominated.

  14. Shirley Ann Speakman
    Shirley Ann Speakman at |

    Yes I Vote every week and then check back to see if my favourites have won.

  15. Tammy Anita
    Tammy Anita at |

    I have voted in some of the polls. When I don’t vote it is usually because I’m unfamiliar with the books listed that week. I don’t think it’s fair to vote when I know nothing about any of the books.

  16. Angeles G.
    Angeles G. at |

    I only vote when I have read the book

  17. Rod B
    Rod B at |

    I vote when I’ve read the book.

  18. Kara Guido
    Kara Guido at |

    Yes! I love voting!

  19. debby236
    debby236 at |

    Yes, I vote whenever I can.

  20. Trishia White
    Trishia White at |

    I have not voted. No real good reason other than i usually do not take part in polls, online voting and things such as that.

  21. Sandy
    Sandy at |

    I always look at them – sometimes I haven’t had a chance to read any of the books, so I don’t vote. But if I’ve read and liked any of them, I always vote!

  22. juliesmall1959
    juliesmall1959 at |

    I try to vote most of the time. If I haven’t read or bought the book to read I don’t vote.

  23. Cornelia
    Cornelia at |

    I have voted for books I have read.

  24. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I vote sometimes, mostly when there’s a book I’ve read on the poll.

  25. Ardent Ereader
    Ardent Ereader at |

    I try to vote whenever there are books that I have read on the list. I like to see which books are on the lists and add those I haven’t read yet to by TBR list.

  26. kp
    kp at |

    Every week!

  27. Laura05
    Laura05 at |

    Yes, i did .

  28. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    Yes, I do vote in your book polls. I love supporting my favorite books by voting for them.

  29. Trix
    Trix at |

    Sometimes I get bogged down with so much inbox stuff that I tend to ignore the polls, so I haven’t voted yet.

  30. Lisa
    Lisa at |

    Yes, I do vote in your polls. I like to support my favorite books and authors.

  31. Vitto
    Vitto at |

    Honestly, no…I always forget those…

  32. Jbst
    Jbst at |

    I only vote in the book of the year polls since I have such a huge TBR pile. Also, I haven’t read most or any of the books of the week or month polls at the time until much later on.

  33. Rose
    Rose at |

    Sometimes…it happens more often than not that I haven’t read the books included in polls,so I don’t vote then.

  34. 16forward
    16forward at |

    Yes, I vote, because I want the authors I really enjoy to know I appreciate their work and insight into their characters. I also read the comments of others.

  35. stella
    stella at |

    yes I do cause I love to recommend my fave readings

  36. Milica
    Milica at |

    More often than not I do participate in the polls…

  37. Sreve
    Sreve at |

    No, I haven’t yet – I’ve just found just about this.

  38. Serena S.
    Serena S. at |

    I do participate most of the time, this is the only blog I know that have these kind of polls and they are quite fun.

  39. AnnMarieF
    AnnMarieF at |

    Every week & month 🙂

  40. Rashell
    Rashell at |

    I look at them and they’re very helpful.

  41. mztikicat
    mztikicat at |

    I vote whenever there’s an opportunity to do so. Really enjoy seeing the results.

  42. Sula
    Sula at |

    Occasionally, but not often, as I find it difficult to choose a favourite book when there are quite a few I liked and sometimes (more frequently than not) I have not had the chance to read the book yet

  43. Nihcki
    Nihcki at |

    Honestly, I used to vote in the book of the week polls. But then I fell behind in my reading, so I now just peruse the nominees for titles to add to my mountainous TBR shelf. When I can better keep current I’ll resume voting, but didn’t think it was fair to vote on books that I know nothing about.


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