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What is your favorite LTTP Cover , tell me and show me why !
Dragon’s Eye by Lexi Ander. I like the way circle of dragons around the fire.
Ink & Flowers by J.K. Pendragon – The blend of colors is beautiful and it’s something I would definitely ink on myself!
(book cover:
Leona Carver’s PIPER cover is striking!
LTTP has some wonderful cover’s one of my recent favourite is Katey Hawthorne’s “Blood And Clockwork” it looks so beautiful and it looks so really that you could touch it.
So far Wolf WY. But I admit I haven’t seen many.
More Than Words by TT Kove
I’m in love with the cover for Dragonspire by Talya Andor. It’s so gorgeous and I just love the colors used for it.
Lethe Press has a lot of great covers – right now I am quite partial to Blood and Clockwork’s cover. I really like steampunk, the color scheme is pleasing and the design intriguing.
I like the cover for Dangerous Territory.
Right now my favorite is Dust on the Wing
‘Full Domain’. The ink work is beautiful.
I like Blood and Clockwork, but there are many gorgeous covers.
Fair’s Point cover. It looks mysterious.
Spark of Thought by Lucie Lukačovičová. How can you go wrong with a stained glass window, lightening and 2 people kissing??
The High King’s Golden Tongue by Megan Derr (new edition). I love that cover because it reminds me of old fairytales.
Penn’s Woodland by David Connor had a cute cover.
There are many lovely covers but a favorite of mine would be the Dance in the Dark cover. It has the dark background tie in and the beautiful diamond rose pin which has ties in with Johnnie.
Blood and Clockwork is an amazing cover.
The High King’s Golden Tongue by Megan Derr. Gorgeous colors, really vivid and reminds me of fairy tales. Love!
The High King’s Golden Tongue has a beautiful cover!
Dragonspire is gorgeous! I love the lilac/purple colours and the high fantasy feel of the cover
The Merman and the Barbarian Pirate is a favorite.
Blood and Clickwork by Katey Hawthorne & A Touch of Mistletoe anthology
I love LT3P covers, especially those from Natascha Snow. Of the recent release, my favorite would be Blood and Clockwork. But I totally love Sasha L. Miller’s “The Errant Prince” as well
I really like the cover art on Megan Derr’s books. My favourite one is for Ink and Paper, so simple but so appropriate too.
Wolf, WY by AF Henley
Any Way The Wind Blows by Carlin Grant. – I love the landscape image and the simpleness of the font as it shades into different colors down the cover. But I also really like “Living in Sin” by Anastasia Vitsky because it’s retro looking and doesn’t have loads of fancy images all over it.
More Than Words by TT Kove.
I really like the cover of The Neighbor by Bernadette Chapman. It’s very simplistic with just the toes of 2 pairs of very different shoes on a hardwood floor. I haven’t read the book but from the blurb it seems that the difference in the type of shoes well represents the odd couple theme.
Reindeer Games by Kenzie Cade – coz it’s cute and fun!
Love vs. the Limelight by Manda Olie, becuase it’s simple and lovely
Megan derr – The high king’s golden tongue…although I’m not sure I’m thinking with a clear mind on this one, since it’s one of my fav books ever, but that’s my no1 when it comes to cover.
The High King’s Golden Tongue by Megan Derr. It reminds me of all the great fantasy books I’ve loved.
California Skies by Kayla Bashe…I love the horses, so…
LT3 Press has such a beautiful covers…I really can’t choose only one, but some of my favorites are High King’s Golden Tongue, Blood and Clockwork, A Winter in Rome and so on.
I like “A Hard Ride Home,” mainly because it’s gay historical western and there are so few true ones out there in comparison to other genres. And this cover, with its font and simple but hard, wood background, gives me that western feel.
I love the High King’s Golden Tongue cover. It seems that in print, the cover will be textured
I really like The Engineered Throne as well as High King’s Golden Tongue. Both covers stuck in my mind, probably because I really enjoyed the books and have re-read both.
Not as familiar with the books/covers as I’d like to be, but after taking a look at all the available books and all the wonderful covers, I chose:
Danse Macabre, Duende, and Growing Up
I love the cover for Megan Derr’s The Harem Master which shows a ring of gold keys that play an important part in the story.
I also love the cover of A.F. Henley’s Baby’s on Fire because of it’s vibrant colors and it reminds me of the rockers of the 70’s!
There are so many covers that I like, I particularly like the More Than Anything series covers, by TT Kove, as they are signify a choice you make at a certain time of your life and the road less travelled always comes to mind when I see the two young men (on each of the covers) as they look at/walk a lonely road.