The next post of today is a giveaway offered by Lethe Press
Lethe Press offers 10 ebook bundles of Dan Stone : Ice on Fire 2 book series
Ice on Fire: The Test of Our Lives
Both books in the series have Unique covers . What is one of your favorite covers?
The books sound lovely!
I love those covers – very beautiful.
My favorite has always been Ransome.
I just bought Ice on FIre. My favorite cover? hmm…Red River by Cardeno C.
I really like the Ice on Fire cover.
My favorite cover is Take
I honestly like them both.
This is so difficult! The one is so sensual and the other an explosion of feelings! It’s a definite tie, since they meld together beautifully.
Ice On Fire is a beautiful cover!
Betwen those two, I’d choose I e and Fire.
Sorry, clumsy fingers: I mean Ice On Fire
Love the cover for Ice and Fire
The covers are nice.Probably my favorite cover is Acrobat by Mary Calmes.
I love all the covers in the Whyborne & Griffin series. Happy Anniversary!
These books sound interesting, thanks for the chance at the giveaway!
I love the cover shown above of Ice on Fire: The Test of Our Lives
by Dan Stone. I think my most favorite cover of all time is Take (Temptation #2) by Ella Frank. Congrats on three wonderful year and thanks for a chance in the giveaway.
Ice on Fire looks more intense for me. So between those two, Ice on Fire would be my choice.
Those are beautiful covers! I still love the cover to Into This River I Drown. That image is just so striking to me.
Between these two, Ice on Fire.
General fave cover, Kitto by Harper Fox
OMG! Ice on Fire: The Test of Our Lives cover is amazing!
Ice on Fire is the best.
My favourite cover at the moment is Imperfect Harmony by Jay Northcote desgined by Garret Leigh
my favourite cover is Full Disclosure
Ice on Fire is beautiful
Both covers are beautiful–if I was forced to choose, it would be Book 2 in the series. Earth, Air, Fire, and Water are all represented. Hard to choose a general fav–Ella Frank’s Temptation series covers are HOT, and I’ve always liked the covers from Kendall McKenna’s Tameness of the Wolf series.
I love the covers for Lord and Master – both books, by Jules Jones. These are both lovely too.
Wow. How did I miss those! They are both awesome. My favorite cover is Full Circle (Broken Pieces Book #2) by Riley Hart.
Ice on Fire is really beautiful!!
Both are very cool, but I prefer the Ice on Fire cover.
I always liked the one for Amy Lane’s IMMORTAL…
The covers are gorgeous. My all-time favorite cover is Broken by Nicola Haken.
One Marine, Hero by EM Lynley
Ice on Fire
I haven’t read Dan Stone’s work before. A ten book bundle would surely be a great introduction!
The cover for Ice on Fire is incredible. Reminds me of Ying and Yang, soul twins.
There are so many good covers out there, it’s hard to pick. But these two are good, too, especially the 2nd one – The Test of Our Lives.
I love the Ice on Fire: The Test of Our Lives. It is so eye catching!