The next giveaway is offered by the fantastic Wulf Francu Godgluck
Wulf is offering a copy of all his titles for this giveaway
So if you haven’t gotten around reading his books or you are missing just that title
Let me know in the comments !
They come to me in the night, creeping into my head. Their voices are all different, their stories all dissimilar, but they keep saying the same thing…
“Show us, tell us, bring us into your world, and make us known.”
Then I sit and they take over. They tell their tales of love, loss and sinister misfortune. Not all of them get a happy ending, but they are pleased when their part is written.
I sometimes find myself lost in my own mind; a world very similar to our own yet so different. Things don’t go bump in the night— they squeal and crawl under your skin, making you grind your teeth, and making your stomach turn over and putting your nerves on edge. Then there’s the drama. Oh, the drama!
Wulf Francú Godgluck hails from South Africa. His work is not for the faint-hearted! In his books you’ll find… all the beasties with their nasty claws and teeth, and some you didn’t even know existed.
But the monsters aren’t all real.
Some live inside us. Who knows what he will make you discover about yourself, lurking in your heart, behind the closed walls in the deep, black recesses where no light penetrates?
Wulf will steal your heart and never give it back. More than likely, he’ll pin it to the wall with a bobbypin and sit there sipping his tea while you writhe and squeal on the floor…
STILL sure you want to read a Wulf Godgluck book?
Proceed at your own peril.
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I do have some of Wulf’s books but I haven’t gotten around to reading any of them.
well be prepaired as my reviewers tell me
I only have and have read Of Gods and Monsters: Menoetius and it was amazing! Will need to pick up the next one soon!
well who knows after the giveaway ends
I have Of Gods and Monsters: Menoetius on my Kindle, waiting to read it till i pick up the next one.
enjoy !
I have Of Gods And Monsters: Menoetius on kindle but have not read.
Wulf will steal your heart and never give it back. More than likely, he’ll pin it to the wall with a bobby pin and sit there sipping his tea while you writhe and squeal on the floor…
What a beautiful piece of writing! I haven’t read any of his books, but now I really want to!
I haven’t had the pleasure of reading Wulf yet!
i read Of Gods and Monsters so far
I need these books, thanks for the chance. And congrats on the anniversary.
I’m embarrassed to say this, but… I haven’t gotten to read any of Wulf’s books yet and I know I’m missing out. I’d love to win these. Thanks for the opportunity.
I have Of Gods And Monsters: Menoetius but still have to read it.
Wulf isn’t a new author to me but I have only read Of Gods and Monsters: Menoetius
I haven’t read any of Wulf’s yet, though he’s on my TBR pile
I have not read any either but I love the post so I am going on a quest to find some.
Always look forward to reading books by authors who are new to me; haven’t read any of Mr. Godgluck’s books to date. Excited to explore his books–I love dark, dirty and gritty reads.
Wulf is an author I’ve not discovered yet, but I think its time I did
I’ve actually read a blog post by him, but not any of his books. I am so lame.
Wulf is a new to me author. I enjoy paranormal so his books sound so interesting to me.
I’ve only read Of Gods and Monsters: Menoetius and I definitely want to continue the series
I haven’t read any of his books. I see them around but haven’t gotten around to checking them out. Great giveaway thanks for the chance
I haven’t read any of his books, but I’d love to. Thanks for the chance!
i don’t believe i have read anything from this author, but all sound good!!
I’ve read a few of Wulf’s posts but none of his books yet. Only because my TBR shelf is ginormous and my pesky life keeps interfering with my reading time. To have ALL of his books? Wow. My shelves would surely cave in! Hope the books are as entertaining as his posts. Thanks for the incredibly generous opportunity.
Sorry, haven’t read any of Wulf’s books yet. I’d go for one in the Of God and Monsters series, Hades looks particularly intriguing.