Second post is a giveaway from NineStar Press
They are offering 15 books out of their collection
You Are the One
Cozzi Cove: Bouncing Back
A Decade of Visions
The Captain’s Men
Justin’s Season
There’s Something About a Kilt
Enemies of the State
Midsummer Nights
Wrestling for Top, Part 1
Thorns and Fangs
It’s a Sin
Finding You, Finding Me
Defiant Loyalties
You can enter the rafflecopter by leaving a comment. In that comment you can tell me what your top 3 choice is of the books they offer in the giveaway
have fun!
I’ve only read Cozzi Cove so any of the rest would be lovely.
It’s a Sin by Steve Burford, Compromised by Bailey Queen, and Defiant Loyalties by Elizabeth Wilde.
My top 3 would be:
Enemies of the State, Justins Season and Defiant Loyalties
Thorns and Fangs, Finding you Finding Me, There’s Something About a Kilt
My top 3 are Enemies of the State, There’s Something About a Kilt, and Guardian.
I’ll go with: A Decade of Visions by Cameron Ramses, Justin’s Season by S.M. Sawyer, and You Are the One by Scott D. Pomfret
Enemies of the State by Tal Bauer, Guardian by Jordan Taylor, Defiant Loyalties
by Elizabeth Wilde
My top three choices are:
– Defiant Loyalties by Elizabeth Wilde
– Compromised by Bailey Queen
– Guardian by Jordan Taylor
Oh so many good ones to choose from! I would say The Captain’s Men, Guardian and It’s a Sin.
Making a choice is quite difficult I think my top 3 are:
Guardian by Jordan Taylor
Justin’s Season by S.M. Sawyer
It’s a Sin by Steve Burford
My choices Captains men, Bounces Back, Its a sin
Thanks for the chance at the giveaway
I haven’t read anything from this publisher yet and am looking forward to it whether I win or not. I’m interested in Thorns & Fangs, Finding You, Finding Me, and It’s a Sin.
What an interesting collection of new – to – me titles from a publisher who obviously is willing to go where no man has gone before
I’d like A Decade of Visions by Cameron Ramses, A Decade of Visions
by Cameron Ramses and Justin’s Season by S.M. Sawyer.
I’m adding the rest to my TBR shelves!
Guardian, Enemies of the State and Compromised would be my top three. Thanks for the chance.
so many to choose from…compromised is my fav
I’d choose as my top three: Compromised by Bailey Queen, Enemies of the State by Tal Bauer, and Cozzie Cove by Joe Cosentino.
Hard choices, but probably There’s Something About a Kilt, Enemies of the State, and Thorns and Fangs.
1- A Decade of Visions by Cameron Ramses
2- Guardian by Jordan Taylor
3- Guardian by Jordan Taylor
Defiant Loyalties, Enemies of the State, Cozzi Cove: Bouncing Back
Justin’s Season by S.M. Sawyer
It’s a Sin by Steve Burford
Compromised by Bailey Queen
Thanks for a chance in the giveaway.
First of all, congratulations for the 3-years anniversary. My top choice would be:
There’s Something About Kilt
Defiant Loyalties
You Are the One, Cozzi Cove: Bouncing Back, Finding You, Finding Me. Thank you for the chance.
So difficult choice: there’s something about a kilt, finding you, finding me, you are the one. Ty, guys
There’s Something About A Kilt, Enemies of The State and Thorns and Fangs
Enemies of the State
Thorns and Fangs
congrats on 3 years!
I read Enemies of the State and loved it! My next top 3 would be Compromised, Defiant Loyalties, or Justin’s Season. Thanks!
I think I would pick:
Justin’s Season
There’s Something About a Kilt
Enemies of the State
I’ve not read any of these, but There’s Something about a Kilt sounds like it’d be a must read
It’s a Sin by Steve Burford, Midsummer Nights by T.J. Land and Guardian by Jordan Taylor and …
Thanks for the giveaway!
My three picks would be Justin’s Season, Thorns and Fangs and It’s a Sin. Thanks!
My choices: It’s a Sin, Defiant Loyalties, A Decade of Visions
My top 3:
There’s Something About a Kilt
Enemies of the State
Thorns and Fangs
Happy birthday and thanks for the giveaway…this would be my choice:
1. It’s a Sin by Steve Burford
2. Guardian by Jordan Taylor and
3. Compromised by Bailey Queen.
My top three are:
Cozzi Cove: Bouncing Back
There’s Something About a Kilt
My top three are:
There’s Something About a Kilt
Looking good, my top 3 is
It’s A Sin
You are the One
Hmmm, based on the titles alone, I’d pick:
There’s Something About A Kilt
Thorns and Fangs
Defiant Loyalties.
Sorry I’m a little behind on the anniversary posts, but I’m making progress!
Thorns and Fangs
It’s a Sin by Steve Burford
Guardian by Jordan Taylor
Midsummer Nights by T.J. Land
Thanks for the giveaway!
Oooooh, so many good ones to narrow down to 3, but here goes:
Cozzi Cove: Bouncing Back
It’s a Sin
Finding You, Finding Me
My top three picks are:
1. Justin’s Season
2. Enemies of the State
3. Thorns and Fangs
Thank you!