Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening to those of you out there in blog space somewhere…strewn around the planet. Thanks for taking the time to read our posts here at Love Bytes! We appreciate you all, and love the international following that this blog enjoys.
Today I’d like to address an issue that arises from the truly global community that is Love Bytes and our followers. Love Bytes Reviews is made up of a quite diverse group of individuals residing in all corners of the globe. As you can imagine, language, culture, and other variables create some interesting conversations at times within our group. For example, my sarcastic wit, which doesn’t necessarily play well to all audiences all the time…as hard as that is for me to personally believe!
But let’s talk about language. Many of you might not take the time to realize that with a global community, all of us aren’t necessarily predominantly English speakers. Even those of us that are, might have wildly different vocabularies, as well as meanings and spellings for individual words. I lived in the UK for a little under three years back in the olden days when I was in the military. I know that when someone says they will come by and “knock me up in the morning”, that it means very different things in the UK and the US. The US take on that would be much more fun, in my humble opinion! But I digress.
The reason for this post was a comment on a post by Danielle “Dani” Maas, our blog owner yesterday. Dani resides in the Netherlands, and English is her second language. English is our primary language on Love Bytes, but some members of our staff don’t think in English as a first language, and it sometimes leads to some language usage issues.
Someone felt the need to post a comment yesterday on Dani’s latest “Dani Talks” post which started with “No offense intended, honestly, but do you not have autocorrect or spellcheck?” In my experience, when someone begins a comment with “no offense intended”, it can only go downhill from there. I’m not familiar with the poster, who used a very generic sounding name/number combination for their identity, but it doesn’t matter who they actually were. The comment really hurt Dani’s feelings and has caused me to be up at 3:30 AM this morning writing this response.
Honestly, we here at Love Bytes do what we do out of a passion for this genre of writing. Our staff includes writers, disabled individuals, folks who work full time and those who don’t, English speakers and non-English speakers, young people, and old duffs like me. We are a truly global community. We apologize if some grammar or spelling issues might slip through once in a while. We try to catch them, but don’t always. All we ask is that you remember who we are. A group of people who only get “paid” with free books which we receive to read and give honest review opinions on.
Personal attacks on our folks are not appreciated. Opinions are OK, and welcome. I personally love hearing back from individuals who agree, or sometimes disagree with my reviews or parts of them. I ask though that you all remember that we’re an international community, and from time to time we might have a language, cultural reference or spelling issue. We’re only human.
Well said Dan!! I’m sure i make mistakes too because English isn’t my native language either but because of all of you at Love Bytes i still feel very comfortable in commenting on the blog
I’m sorry this happened to Dani. I knew the staff was pretty diverse but hadn’t thought that English wasn’t everyone’s first language (my weird brain works in weird ways..because I know you all live in different parts of the world). I think you all do an exceptional job on your posts, reviews, etc. Grammar mistakes happens to everyone, no matter the language, no matter the proficiency level. It HAPPENS.
Anyway, it was pretty rude for that commenter to even point it out. There’s a saying, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”
Wow. Is this someone who lives in a bubble someplace?? Frankly Dani’s English language/grammar is far better than a lot of native English speakers based on what I see on the internet regularly here in the US. Also Dani is one of the loveliest humans ever, so I’m terribly sorry that someone made a someone ignorant comment to her. Hopefully the commenter will see this post and realize that it’s pretty rude to suggest that everyone in the world uses even the English language the same way (or even spells English words the exact same way). I hope you have been able to enlighten a few people with this thoughtful post and perhaps expand a few minds in the process
Great post, Dan, and Dani…we luv you!
Thanks for sharing Dan, great post and a reminder to everyone that we need to be more understanding of our community.