11 Responses

  1. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    This sounds amazing. I love the premise.

  2. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    It looks good. Thank you for the post, it really showcases the ups and downs of being an author.

  3. Lloyd A. Meeker
    Lloyd A. Meeker at |

    Thanks for your interest, Laurie and H.B.! Hope you enjoy the excerpt.

  4. RoddClark
    RoddClark at |

    love the comments, all of which I can relate too. Sounds as if we are more in common than I thought. Sounds as if its an interesting read I will have to add to my TBR stacks Good Luck sending out all my prayers for your continued success.

    1. Lloyd A. Meeker
      Lloyd A. Meeker at |

      I think a lot of us competent but relatively unknown authors are feeling this way. That’s partly why I wanted to speak up a bit. I’d love to hear what you think of TL after you read it…

  5. Meg Amor
    Meg Amor at |

    Aloha Lloyd. Yes. 🙂 and Yes 🙁 So true and well written as always. I see really good authors out here like yourself who can write well, REALLY well and aren’t in the top sellers. It’s crazy to me. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately too. I think it’s a bit of a long haul project in some ways. Eventually, I have a feeling the really good writers are going to have their platform and their readers. And will still be there at the end. I expect you to be one of them.

    I will enjoy this book as I have all the others and yes, I do owe you a review. I’m horribly slack and I’m author. Time is no longer my friend. But/and… I do love your work.

    I’ll enjoy this book immensely. I’ve been waiting for it to come out on ebook. 🙂

    Aloha and care Meg 🙂

    1. Lloyd A. Meeker
      Lloyd A. Meeker at |

      Thanks, Meg! You’re right, it’s a marathon, not a sprint to build a platform. Right now it feels more like an Ironman triathlon and I’m out of shape… 😀

  6. Didi
    Didi at |

    Adding this to my TBR shelf – can’t wait to read it.
    Congrats on the re-release, Lloyd and thank you for the post.

    1. Lloyd A. Meeker
      Lloyd A. Meeker at |

      My pleasure, Didi — hope you enjoy it!

  7. Ree Dee
    Ree Dee at |

    I love the concept of the book and am so excited to read it. Thank you for the opportunity to win it!

  8. Blackrose
    Blackrose at |

    I have a copy of the original story. Your thoughts on hope and despair are interesting and I am often subject to inner conversations between my Pollyanna side and my Eeyore side. Congratulations and good luck with your future stories.


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