4 Responses

  1. Aisling Mancy
    Aisling Mancy at |

    Thanks for the good review, Dan! I mention in a number of posts that this novella is a spinoff of a much larger series coming toward the end of the year. In that larger series is much world building and I hope you give it a chance! Nonetheless, thank you for taking the time to read my book!

  2. sandym0327
    sandym0327 at |

    I respectfully disagree with parts of this review. I realize what one may like, another may not. However, I read Sleight of Heart and found the world building to be exceptional. When I started the book, I’d never heard of the Romani people. There is world building in this book and the master series promises more. I now know more about these secretive people and their customs. There is a fair amount of sex in this book, but it was so well written it didn’t feel overdone. I truly enjoyed this book.

  3. Mel
    Mel at |

    Wow. I thought the writing was very well done and the amount of detail was perfect for a novella length story. In fact, it had an incredible amount of depth for such a short work.


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