A warm welcome to author Hurri Cosmo joining us today !
Welcome Hurri
Author: Hurri Cosmo
Title: Hyden’s Law
Publisher: Hurri Cosmo
Release Date: 2/9/16
Length: 28,000 words
Book Links
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Graham’s had it with Alphas. His experiences with them have been disastrous at best. Even with ones that didn’t tumble him into the nearest bed. So when the chance to move in with another Omega comes up, Graham grabs it. But Graham’s never seen an Omega so big. Plus, he seems to be able to push buttons only an Alpha has. However, trust is something that comes easily to Graham. Hyden says nothing about being an Alpha – so he must not be. Right? Hyden has just met his fated mate – in the middle of a territorial war. Not the best timing. But now that Graham’s here, Hyden can hardly let the little pup escape, which is what he will do if he finds out Hyden is not only an Alpha but the Alpha. With the Mating Moon scant days away how will Hyden convince the smaller Graham that not all Alphas are selfish bastards? And he’s going to have to, because blood fever will not be ignored and Hyden can already feel it taking over his senses. Once it does, there will be no turning back. Hyden might have to resort to handcuffing the pup in order to make sure he doesn’t bolt off into the night. Hmmm. Not a bad thought. He might have to do that anyway…
“Is Warkin home?” They had arrived at the apartment door Graham said was the place he had lived the past few months. Hyden had mentally prepared himself for a confrontation, but it seemed he wasn’t going to be given one.
“No. He’s at work. He’s a bouncer at Mastiff’s.”
“Mastiff’s? So he’s left you all alone in this neighborhood every night?”
Graham looked up at him like he had lost his mind. Maybe he had. The little pup was making him crazy with his smell and pale skin and big eyes. Damn. Hyden was going to have to really work quickly at convincing Graham that they were mates since it appeared the smaller man continued to be clueless.
“I’m all grown up and everything. I can take care of myself.”
A shadow passed through those big green eyes, though. A shadow that told Hyden taking care of himself was not what the pup wanted. Good. Hyden had no intention of allowing such a thing. Ever. That was an Alpha’s job. But in light of the situation, Hyden simply growled.
“Hurry up, then. Get your stuff.”
Graham walked swiftly into the apartment and disappeared down a dark hallway. Hyden decided to stay in the entryway. If Warkin came home, he was in a good position to protect his mate. As he listened intently to the noises coming from down the hallway of the opening and closing of drawers and doors, he looked around the space his mate had been living in. Sad. It was messy and littered, just like an Alpha’s bachelor pad. Certainly not the kind of home you offered an intended mate. But of course Graham wasn’t this idiot’s mate. He belonged to Hyden.
“Hey. You about done?” Hyden hollered out. It was just as well to get out while the getting was good. Not that Hyden was afraid of Warkin. Not in the least. But there was no reason to push karma. Besides, to end up fighting the guy in front of the pup could be disastrous. There would be no way to hide his Alpha status, and for some reason he would have to find out soon, Graham would bolt into the wide unknown if he knew.
He heard a far off mumbling, but that was about it.
This was taking far too long.
Hyden took a few steps into the space, intending to go and get his mate, but stopped himself. Being impatient just wasn’t him. Instead he looked into the kitchen.
Wow. That was where the smell was coming from.
Not good.
“Come on, Graham. Let’s go. You don’t need anything else. Whatever you don’t have, I’ll get for you.” Hyden’s senses were tingling. Something – or someone – was coming.
One guess who that is.
Graham came out dragging a bag made out of a sheet. “Sorry. I don’t have a suitcase or anything. This is the best I can do.”
Shit. This was so not what he wanted to deal with. “Seriously, Graham. We probably shouldn’t have even come to do this. I could have bought you clothes or anything else you needed. What are you bringing?”
Graham stopped midway down the hall. “This is… these are my clothes. They aren’t anything special, but they’re mine.”
Hyden closed his eyes. Stress. Being with this man and not being able to touch him, hold him, claim him, was causing too much stress. He wasn’t used to having to hold back the way he needed to right then, and it had only been a few hours since they met.
“Graham, I’m sorry.” He opened his eyes again and suddenly he was not willing to confront the asshole who lived here. Exposing his mate to the violence that was inevitable was not the right thing to do. At least not today. “I really am. Forgive me. I just want out of here. Now.” He stepped forward and grabbed up the makeshift baggage and swung it up over his shoulder.
“Geez. That’s heavy! How are you doing that?”
“It’s nothing. Let’s go.”
“Why are you in such a hurry?”
“We have company coming.”
“Your roommate is on his way home.”
“No. I told you. He’s at work. Really. He doesn’t get home until well after two in the morning. It’s only eight.”
“Trust me, pup. He’s on his way.” Which told Hyden there was some kind of connection between the man who called this home and Hyden’s mate, and that only pissed him off that much more.

Hurri Cosmo lives in Minnesota where she holds tight to the idea that there, where it’s cold a good part of the year, she won’t age as fast. Yep, she avoids the truth as much as she avoids mirrors. But one of the reasons she loves writing is reality doesn’t always offer up a “happily ever after” and being able to take control of that is a powerful lure. Being a happy ending junkie, writing just makes them easier to find. Oh, she doesn’t mind “real life” and she does try to at least keep it in mind when she writes her stories, but she truly loves creating a wonderful couple, knowing they will fall in love and have their HEA. Every – single – time. And, of course, that is exactly the reason she loves reading this genre, too. Give her a glass of red wine, some dark chocolate, and her computer, whether she is reading or writing, and she will entertain herself for hours. The fact she actually gets paid to do it is Snickers bars on the frosting on the cake.
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Other books by Hurri Cosmo:
How West Was Won,The Superior Jewel,Ice Dragon Tales (contains the first two books in the series, The Servant Prince and The Servant King),The One,Forgetting Yesterday,Saving Jack,Talasar’s Elixir (Book one in the Dragon for Hire series),The Door Keeper,Amber Moon (Part of the Intoxicating Fantasies series),Chase and Capture,Baby, Think it Over,Ladders,Until You,I Believe Now (Until You, #2) ,The Astral Mage (Book one of The Captains of the Wolf)
Coming Soon
Then Sawyer Happened
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This sounds amazing and fun. Congrats on the release.
Looks like a fun read =) Thank you!