17 Responses

  1. debby236
    debby236 at |

    I really like the cover. It is very expressive and pulls you in.

    1. laneswift
      laneswift at |

      The cover is beautiful. I was so thrilled when I first saw it. It’s had lots of praise, and rightly so.

  2. Susan
    Susan at |

    I confess I enjoy MCs with disabilities and this sounds great!

    1. laneswift
      laneswift at |

      The funny thing is, Susan, that once I really got into Callum’s character, I stopped thinking about his muteness as a disability, which isn’t to say I wasn’t mindful of it. 🙂 I think that’s how Josh feels about it too.

  3. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    Love the cover; it is beautiful and intriguing – I wonder what he is thinking. Like Susan, I enjoy reading about MCs with disabilities or life challenges. Thanks!

    1. laneswift
      laneswift at |

      I’m so glad you like the cover. I’ve spent many hours staring at it! And I agree, characters that face extra challenges, whether that be a disability or something else, can be extra compelling and inspiring.

  4. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    Beautiful cover. Is he looking at the butterflies?

    1. laneswift
      laneswift at |

      I love the cover so much! I think Callum’s having a moment of quiet contemplation, but it’s of course open to the viewer’s interpretation. ♥

  5. Trix
    Trix at |

    It’s a very evocative excerpt!

    1. laneswift
      laneswift at |

      Thank you! This comes from the second half of the book, which is told from Callum’s POV. I thought it might be nice to share his ‘voice’ as the first two chapters (which you can read on the DSP website) are in Josh’s voice. 🙂

    2. laneswift
      laneswift at |

      Congratulations, Trix! Dormant Heart is on its way to you.

  6. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    I like reading stories with MC’s with disabilities. It’s always inspiring to read about the obstacles they’ve overcome.

    1. laneswift
      laneswift at |

      Exactly! I Stories about people with disabilities overcoming personal obstacles and challenges can be especially compelling.

  7. jodi marinich
    jodi marinich at |

    i love the way the butterflies are placed in the cover

    1. laneswift
      laneswift at |

      They seem to be fluttering right of his hands, don’t they? (In the book they’re actually moths. 🙂 )

  8. Jbst
    Jbst at |

    Very lovely cover and engaging excerpt.

  9. Lisa G
    Lisa G at |

    Thank you for the sweet excerpt and the cover is charming!


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