16 Responses

  1. sabrinad1977
    sabrinad1977 at |

    I like any kind of shifters, tigers, cougars, wolves, bears, squirrels, bunnies…anything!

    1. A.J. Marcus
      A.J. Marcus at |

      I’ve actually done things with most of those shifter…no bunnies yet…will need to work on the bunnies. 😀

  2. Trix
    Trix at |

    I’d love to see more bird shifters! Hummingbirds would be pretty cool…

    1. A.J. Marcus
      A.J. Marcus at |

      Hey Trix, you’ll need to keep your eye open for our next book, “Open Skies” where our main characters are a couple of eagle shifters…Humingbirds, now that might be interesting. They would be really high energy characters. 😀

  3. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    I love stories with “other” kind of shifters.

    1. A.J. Marcus
      A.J. Marcus at |

      So do I. I like exploring things beyond just wolves and lions. Diving into unusual critters and trying to think about how the animal would affect the human side of things is always interesting.

    2. Nicole Godfrey
      Nicole Godfrey at |

      I have a story I’m working on with a dolphin shifter. It started off as a short story, but is shaping up to be a full novel.

  4. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Congrats on the book release! Usually for shifter stories I tend to stick with wolf shifters. I do like seeing unconventional shifters like a beetle shifter, possum and hedgehog.

    1. A.J. Marcus
      A.J. Marcus at |

      Hey H.B. in the quest for unusual shifters, I’ve actually got a book coming out in April with a racoon shifter in it. He was fun to write. I want to go back and visit him sometime.

  5. debby236
    debby236 at |

    My favorite shifter is a big cat shifter but I enjoy them all.

    1. Nicole Godfrey
      Nicole Godfrey at |

      I love big cat shifters!
      I’ve built an entire world around them(and am in the revisions stage of that book).

  6. Kara Guido
    Kara Guido at |

    Personally, I love penguins. Are there any shifter stories about them?karadg@hotmail.com

    1. Nicole Godfrey
      Nicole Godfrey at |

      I haven’t read any personally, but keep your eyes open, because I’ve heard murmurings…

  7. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    I love big cats, wolves and dragons

  8. juliesmall1959
    juliesmall1959 at |

    Congratulations on the release and looking forward to reading it! I would love to see something different also. Read about frogs and hedgehogs. The hummingbird idea sounds great!

  9. jodi marinich
    jodi marinich at |

    congrats on the new release..i always go back to my wolf shifters


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