Hello again….and Welcome Back!!!
We have some exciting things planned the coming week!! Please be sure to stop by daily to check out all of our new reviews and blog updates!!
Some reviews coming up this week are…
Fitting in (audio) by Silvia Violet
Will & Patrick episode 4 by Leta Blake
Mute Witness by Rick R Reed
Until September by Chris Scully
Loving the Master by Lynn Kelling
See Me by K.C Wells
Tell Me What To Do by Shiralyn Lee
Put A Ring on It (audio) by K.A Mitchell
Tournament of Losers by Megan Derr
Playing with Fire by Avery Cockburn
Rattrap by L.M Somerton
What Lies Between Us by Felice Stevens
….and many more!!!!
There are some Great Authors stopping by this week !!
We opened the week today with an exclusive from Tam Macneil
on Monday we have Victoria Sue and Susannah Hayes stopping by
Tuesday brings us Dirk Greyson & Chris Scully
And on Wednesday we have a busy day with Heidi Cullinan , Lex Chase & K.A Merikan stopping by @Love Bytes
Thursday brings us a post from Michael Rupured & Suki Fleet
On Friday we see an appereance of Rick R Reed and Ava Hayden but also brings us an
Even the weekend is filled with stops by Lyn Kelling , Kris T Bertke, A.j Marcus and Felice Stevens.
With this posts you will find a number of
So feel welcome to stop by and enjoy our posts of the coming week
The advertising spaces for the next couple of months are filled or rare , but there are some open spots for May and later.
If you want to know the rates and availability drop a message to owner@lovebytesreviews.com
Until next week