A warm welcome to author Dev Bentham joining us today here at Love Bytes to show her new release “Whistle Blower”.
Welcome Dev
Title: Whistle Blower
Author: Dev Bentham
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Length: 214 pages
Release Date: Februari 5th,2016
Cover Artist: Catt Ford
Money can’t buy happiness. Jacob Nussbaum knows this better than anyone. He’s a corporate lawyer deep inside a huge New York firm, where he works overtime, sacrifices any chance at a personal life, and has been selling his soul for years. With a secretary as his only friend, he trudges on, until his whole world is blown apart by a manila envelope of photos—evidence that one of the firm’s partners is the dirtiest lawyer in one hell of a filthy business.
In search of the truth, Jacob travels to a small northern Wisconsin fishing resort. There he meets Ben Anderson, a brutally lonely man, who knocks him off his feet. Ben prompts Jacob to reevaluate his life. He’s a dozen years older than Jacob, still recovering from the death of his long time love, and doesn’t want to leave anyone a widower. But a jaded New Yorker on a soul-searching mission might be just the man to convince the grieving Ben that it’s never too late to begin again.
Ah, the older man
When we think of love, often we think of young people just starting out, with healthy, gorgeous bodies and their whole lives ahead of them. The late teens and early twenties are a time when people couple up, so it makes sense that romance novels tell the tale of that kind of love more often than not.
I don’t seem to write those stories. My guys have been around the block a few times before they find their true love. Maybe I write that because it’s closer to my own experience—it took me a long time to get it right. It’s not that I don’t believe in young love. I’ve seen it happen many, many times. My own parents were high school sweethearts, happily married for over sixty years. But I’m drawn to telling stories about second chances and the redemptive power of love when it arrives after a long difficult period. And I love the depth of older characters. Truth be told, I’ve always been drawn to people at least a few years, if not a few decades, older than me. Patience, wisdom, experience, that slower, less rushed sensuality—all very appealing.
Last Fall at GRNW in Seattle, I was honored to moderate a panel on Romance after 40 with Jordan Castillo Price, Kim Fielding, Radclyffe and David Holly. It was great fun and I think we covered a number of both the storytelling and marketing blessings and challenges involved with a mature character. I actually started Whistle Blower, hoping I’d have it ready in time for the panel but then life got in the way. It’s out now and, you know what they say—it’s never too late.
How do you feel about those sexy, special, amazing older lovers?
Buy links:
Dev Bentham writes soulful m/m romance. Her characters are flawed and damaged adult men who may not even know what they are missing, but whose lives are transformed by true love.
Website and social media links:
Blog and website: www.DevBentham.com
email: DevBentham@yahoo.com
twitter: @DevBentham
Facebook: /www.facebook.com/dev.bentham
Dev brought with her a ecopy of her backlist to be won by one of our readers
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Good luck!
Congrats on the release.
I love stories about older MCs or MCs with an age gap. It definitely changes the tenor of the story.
I enjoy MCs with an age gap. I take particular delight in the younger MC adoring/wanting the older MC. I can probably align this to my own life, as I am the older one by a few years and would love to be wanted so passionately – his maturity and confidence had me initially placing him as older. My former relationship was with someone 7 years older. If it wasn’t for his immaturity, this would not have been an issue.
Congratulations on the release!
The book sounds great!
Congrats on the new release. It looks an interesting story.
Congrats on the release of Whistle Blower
Love second chance stories. This sounds great!