8 Responses

  1. Birte
    Birte at |

    Oh my goodness … I need to have this book o.O – what an awesome excerpt

    1. Mia Kerick
      Mia Kerick at |

      glad to hear this!!!

    2. Mia Kerick
      Mia Kerick at |

      I am happy to hear that the excerpt is interesting to you!

  2. Trix
    Trix at |

    Sounds like a fun one!

    1. Mia Kerick
      Mia Kerick at |

      There is some fun, but there is plenty of danger!

  3. Mia Kerick
    Mia Kerick at |

    Thank you so much for hosting my cover reveal on your blog today!!

  4. Blackrose
    Blackrose at |

    Interesting cover. Anyone can be a hero. They can have fear pounding through their veins and every doubt they’ll succeed – they do it in spite of this. They do it despite the personal cost, the sacrifice they may have to make. They do it because it is right.

  5. Jen CW
    Jen CW at |

    A hero is someone who goes above and beyond to help others. Someone who does what needs to be done, no matter the cost to themselves to make sure that things are done right or someone is saved or…


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