Happy New Year! Okay a few days late, but heartfelt. I’m keeping it short, today, and hopefully sweet. I’m going to list my choice for top three 2015 M/M releases. Then for the contest this month, enter by commenting with your top three, and you get into the running (by random pick) for a Gift Certificate—for $16.00 from Dreamspinner Press, Amazon, or All-Romance e-books. (Your choice!)
Here goes! (Click the title for the buy link.)
One: Black Dog Blues by Rhys Ford (This is a bit of a cheat because I didn’t really read it, I listened to the divinely talented Greg Tremblay read it. Oh my! Also, a previous version as published before 2015, but let’s not split hairs.)
Two: Winter Kill by Josh Lanyon.
Three: Dance with Me by Heidi Cullinan (Okay, this also had an earlier edition but I didn’t know that and I’ve only read the 2015 release, so I’m ignoring the previous one altogether!)
That’s it! Looking forward to hearing your picks too! Thanks for reading, and thank you Love Bytes for hosting me once more! Tune in next month, same date, same spot. Who knows what I’ll do—could be anything!
Happy new year, Lou! I’ve just started Black Dog Blues. It’s my Dreamspinner Reading Challenge book for this month. I will miss not sounding like Greg Tremblay in my head.
And it totally counts as having read it even if you used your ears instead of your eyes! As for my favorites, one would be Heidi’s Carry the Ocean which handled autism and mental health issues so well, along with a great romance. I have yet to read Dance with Me, but it’s on my list. Alexis Hall’s For Real was one of my top reads, too. I always love his writing, and this one was just full of wonderful. I always think of For Real and Cecil Wilde’s A Boy Called Cin at the same time, they just have a similar thematic quality and intelligence to me, and this one deals so beautifully with identity and relationships. Those are all contemporaries, but I’m going to slip in one more to the list to add fantasy into the mix: Megan Derr’s The Harem Master. It deals with every sexuality and identity with a great cast of characters and the plot to support them. Thanks for sharing your great reads with us, and for the giveaway!
Trust by Ella Frank
Cronin’s Key 3 by NR Walker
Wolves of Black Pine by SJ Himes
wow….so hard to bring it down to just 3…I loved so many this year!
The Lightning-Struck Heart by TJ Klune
Sutphin Boulevard by Santino Hassell
Trust by Ella Frank
Happy New Year! I’ve read two of the three on your list =) Let’s see my picks would be:
Victim of Love by Darien Cox
A Restored Man by Jaime Reese
Forging the Future by Mary Calmes
From 2015, I’d pick Aidee Ladnier’s THE KLOCKWERK KRAKEN, Tara Lain’s WINTER’S WOLF, and Jeff Adams’ HAT TRICK 3: PENALTY SHOT.
Oh…I like your choices. Those books were so good. There are so many I’d add to the list, it would be a mile long.
I have heard of all three and want to read them. I have been impressed by all three authors but Josh Lanyon’s stories have contributed a lot to my year – I re-read many of her books including all the Adrien English series, Dangerous Ground series and Holmes & Moriarity series. Can’t wait to read more.
Familiar author names with titles already on my TBR while I’ve only read Winter Kill by Josh Lanyon. My top 3 for 2015 are Jackdaw by KJ Charles, Playing for Keep by Avery Cockburn, and Fidelity by Lia Black. Reading wise it had been a surprisingly good year for me.
Always hard to choose my top books, 3 that come to mind from 2015 Winter Oranges, Breakaway, Vespertine. I could list many more fabulous books that I read this past year.
Winter Kill is on my list as well, HAlf of Us by Cardeno C and the THIRDS series by Charlie Cochet.
Winter Kill is also on my list – like you I didn’t know there was a previous addition. Rounding out the top three would be 24-Karat Conspiracy by EM Lynley and The Lightening Struck Heart by TJ Klune. It’s hard to leave off Rise & Fall by Charlie Cochet, Texas Wedding by RJ Scott and Sloe Ride by Rhys Ford. I guess I needed 2 lists of 3! Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow my list is a little long! In no peculiar order:
1. Beyond Duty by S.J.D. Peterson
2. Defined By Deceit by: A.E. Via
3. Carry the Ocean by: Heidi Cullinan
4. And the Morning Report series by: Sue Brown
Thank you for the chance at the giveaway!
Top three is hard…I’d say (in no particular order) Immortal by Amy Lane, Dom of Ages by K.C. Wells and Parker Williams, and Jessie’s Diner by Cardeno C. Thank you for the giveaway chance!
3 is hard! I have cheated a bit by naming two serials with a few books in 2015!
Tyack and Frayne series by Harper Fox
Whyborne and Griffin series by Jordan L Hawk
The Last Yeti by Tully Vincent
I love Dance with Me and that new cover is just fandabbydozy!
Not read Winter Kill but like other JL books so shall give it a go
Wow! Only 3? Ok, these are some of the ones I enjoyed most:
‘Red Dirt Heart # 4’ NR Walker. The entire series is one of the most enjoyable I’ve ever read.
‘A Solitary Man’ by Asling Mancy and Shira Anthony most exciting, action-packed with happy ending
‘Between the Lines’ by J. Scott Coatsworth politics, telepathy and truth = dangerous mix
So many great books this year! I loved the Red Dirt Heart series by NR Walker, everything by Mary Calmes and Charlie Cochet!
I’m not sure if I can reduce it to just three but here goes.
Not in any aprticular order becasue I can’t decide which on is tops.
Bone Rider by J. Fally
Against the Grain by Charlie Cochet
Haven’s Creed by Parker Williams
Just three OMG, i read 390 books in 2015 !!!!!
1Loving Jay by Renae Kaye
2Red dirt heart by NR Walker
3Beneath the stain by Amy Lane
and it’s so not fair for all the others i love so much
1) Jackdaw by K.J. Charles
2) Murder and Mayhem by Rhys Ford
3) Freeing Zane by Sloane Kennedy
This list is too short, lol! And way too difficult to choose only 3.
So many great books in 2015! I am going to go with Lonely Hearts by Heidi Cullinan, A Seditious Affair by KJ Charles, and Astounding! by Kim Fielding!
It is so tough to pick just 3, but here they are:
1. Maelstrom by Jordan L Hawk
2. Chaos Station by Jenn Burke and Kelly Jensen
3. Carry the Ocean by Heidi Cullinan
Happy 2016!
I love so many of the books I read. However, I really loved these three:
1. The Harem Master
2. Vespertine
3. Broken Prince, Mismatched Eyes