It’s that time of year again people. The time when we, the voracious and obsessive readers of LGBT romance, look back and reflect on what an amazing year of books it’s been. If you’re anything like us then you’re already compiling your 2016 “To Read” list, but first, let’s share some of our favourite books from the year just gone.
During seven days we’ll be posting our top reads of the year. Please feel free to tell us your own favourites, or simply comment on our choices.
Love Bytes is giving away 2 x $10 AllRomance Giftcards to two readers. Just tell us your favourites and why in one of these posts over the next week!
Dee , Paul and Dennis are here for
Day five
Muscling In – Lily Harlem (MMF): This book was the first to make it to me favorites shelf in a long time. I fell in love with all three characters and the maturity of how the handled the situation.
The Sea Wife – Naomi Clark (FF): This is the first story I’ve read with a seal shifter, and it did not disappoint. The two main characters were delightful. The mystery and suspense kept me engaged.
Cold night Moon – Naomi Clark (FF): Even though this is fifth in a series, I read it as a standalone and had no problem following the events. I was so absorbed I back tracked to the beginning of the series immediately upon finishing it.
Dead Heat – Ren Thompson (FF): Wow this story is action packed, and I highly recommend it to lovers of apocalyptic settings, regardless of your preference for gender when selecting a book.
Girls Will Be Girls: A Collection of Lesbian Erotica Short Stories – Lucy Felthouse (FF): This anthology was a delight to read. Each story was unique and am sure will appeal to most lovers of lesbian fiction.
Piano Lessons – harper Bliss (FF, FFF): Off the charts smoking hot lesbian erotica, three-way action included. Total one handed read.
Dream God – J. Johanis (MM): This was by no means a light read, so reader be warned, but I feel in love with the characters and the world Ms Johanis has created.
A Valentine’s Memory by Max Vos
Saving Faithless Creek by Andrew Grey
Winter Oranges by Marie Sexton
Against the Wall by Alexa Land
A Christmas Memory 2 (Memories) by Max Vos
Ryde the Lightening: 12 Olympian’s book 5, by Sandrine Gasq-Dion
Don’t Judge (Nothing Special series) by A.E. Via
The Butcher, the Baker, the Custom Bike Maker by Mathew Ortiz
I like the lists by Paul and Dennis. I haven’t read any on the list by Dee and one day, when I catch up on my MM reads, I might creep over to the FF books and give them a go.
I don’t read ff but I did read all the mm books mentioned except for a couple of titles. Saving Faithless Creek by Andrew Grey was my favourite.
Apart from Winter Oranges (not read yet) on Paul’s list, all these are new to me so will have a look for any that my tempt me!!!
I was a big fan of TJ Klune’s How To Be a Normal Person. TJ’s story about off-center Gus & asexual, stoner, hipster Casey was sexy and funny as hell. TJ is the only author I know who can write a super romantic book in which there is no actual sex and you know what? I didn’t miss all the boning at all!! Bravo!!
I think Winter Oranges (Marie Sexton) was the most original of the holiday stories I read this season
Great variety of stories here. Thank you for sharing.
The titles from Paul and Dennis are quite an enlightenment, I’ve only read Winter Oranges so far. 2015 had been quite a refreshing year in reading that my favorite read is a debut author!
Winter Oranges is one my fav books that I read over the holiday. It is on my re-read list!
I really liked Don’t Judge. Winter Oranges is on my Kindle waiting to be read.