A warm welcome to author V.L Locey joining us today on her Creative Minds blog tour for new release “Life is a Stevie Wonder Song”.
Welcome V.L
TITLE: Life is a Stevie Wonder Song
AUTHOR: V.L. Locey
PUBLISHER: Torquere Press
COVER ARTIST: Brandon Clay
LENGTH: 24,600 words
RELEASE DATE: December 30, 2015
BLURB: Authors know that their muse is a fickle creature. Best-selling spy novelist Stephen Ramsey has been in a hate-hate relationship with his inspiration for months. When Stephen’s publisher lays a legal ultimatum upon him, with a rapidly approaching deadline, he knows he must do something to kick-start his creativity or face the unemployment line. His daughter comes up with a possible answer: a summer camp for the creative soul. With nothing to lose, Stephen packs up his laptop, phonograph and beloved record albums and heads from Greenwich Village to the Catskill Mountains.
There, among a horde of college students attending for extra credits, is Declan Pomeroy, a photographer of fey creatures who is twenty-two years younger than Stephen. The woods are a magical place, and he quickly finds himself falling under the spell of the free-spirited photographer. Confusion wars with desire inside Stephen as he succumbs to the feelings welling up inside. But, sadly, summer camp always has to end. Can a man who has just found himself really leave the person that makes his heart sing?
Four days and no words later, I was coming back from town with provisions. Provisions meaning boxed food and beer. The town, I had learned after conversing with the storeowner, was known as Willow Woods. Why someone used this name when not one willow of any kind grew in the immediate vicinity was truly beyond me. I had sent off two texts while I shopped. The first was to Liam. I told him that I had gone into the mountains to write and that the book was coming along marvelously. Fabrications just fly from my fingers, it seems. The second text was to my daughter filling her in on how I was living in the wilds. I suspected she would get a kick out of knowing her father, the ultimate city dweller, was stuck in the woods with the raccoons and oddballs. I slowed down when I approached a young man walking a bike with a flat tire. It was the photographer from the other evening.
“Speaking of oddballs,” I mumbled to myself as I pulled off the dirt lane leading back to camp. I exited my Jeep. He stopped walking and looked at me as if I had sea urchins crawling through my hair. “Need a lift?” I shouted. He studied me intently for a long minute before nodding. I exhaled a breath that I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. The kid was dressed a little more commonly this morning. He still had no shoes but he did sport several ankle bracelets. An oversized tank top hung past his hips, nearly covering the denim shorts he wore. A pirate-motif bandana covered his dark hair and his shoulders glowed rich pink from the sun. “We can put your bike in the back.”
“Thank you,” he said then removed the lone bag from the basket in front of the handlebars. “I need to carry a pump and patch kit.”
“Wouldn’t be a bad idea,” I replied, and lifted the back and folded down the rear seats. He picked up the ten-speed with ease and placed it into the rear. I closed the door. Thick black lashes framed his jade eyes. Did he use mascara? I had married women with thinner lashes. “Name’s Steven. Figure if you take a ride from a stranger you should at least know his name.” I held out my hand.
“Declan,” he said as his fingers lighted on mine for a brief moment before darting away like a timid bird training to eat from a person’s hand. It wasn’t a shake at all; it was more of a caress of his fingertips over mine.
V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, yoga, belly laughs, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, two dogs, two cats, a flock of assorted domestic fowl, and three Jersey steers.
When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand. She can also be found online on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and GoodReads.
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Winner’s Prize: Digital Copy of Life is a Stevie Wonder Song
January 4: Bike Book Reviews :: Diverse Reader
January 5: Love Bytes Reviews :: Cia’s Stories
January 6: Prism Book Alliance :: BFD Book Blog
January 7: RJ Scott :: Molly Lolly: Reader, Reviewer, Lover of Words
January 8: Divine Magazine :: TTC Books and More
January 11: The Purple Rose Tea House
January 12: Drops of Ink
January 13: Cathy Writes Romance :: Loving Without Limits
January 14: Elisa – My reviews and Ramblings :: Unquietly Me
January 15: Bayou Book Junkie
Thank you so much for hosting me today!
Sounds like a great story!
Love the title and blurb sounds to promise a good laugh!
Thank you for the post.
Best title for a book ever!
Interesting description. Doesn’t sound too angsty. Tell me it has a HEA and I am sold! hojurose(at)gmail(dot)com