Hi All
A year has gone by and the new year started.
I want to give a quick thanks to my review team…that seriously rocks! Big time. Thank you for all your reviews in 2015 .
We said goodbye to a few reviewers but also have had new people join our fantastic team! Love Bytes is always open to new people and adventures
2015 was a difficult year for me personally but for the blog it was a fantastic year . We hosted many awesome authors on our blog and we worked together with some fantastic Blog Tour organizers, as well as authors who visited our blog to promote their work(s).
We had a record breaking month in April when we celebrated our 2 year anniversary with an enormous amount of posts, games and giveaways!
We introduced Flashback Friday, re-introduced the Theme week reviews and our Book of the Week/Month polls flourished.
I co-organized EuroPrideCon in Munich, the first GLTBQ convention on the European Mainland where I enjoyed meeting fantastic people and seeing it grow to a huge success which will be hopefully followed up with a wonderful con in Berlin this year!
I visited the UK Meet for the 3rd time and went to GRL for the 2nd time, and both were fantastic experiences.
I am thankful for the huge support we are getting from our wonderful community and I am extremely thankful to the authors who keep visiting our blog especially the ones who trust me and Love Bytes with the promotion of their books by advertising here.
But most of all I can never say Thank You! enough to the READERS, the loyal wonderful people who keep visiting Love Bytes…who stop by to read our reviews, comment and enter the giveaways.
I am looking forward to a wonderful 2016, I am curious for the Book of the Year 2015. Starting this week, we’re going to be posting a “Coming Up This Week at Love Bytes Reviews” post weekly with the highlights of the coming week. Also, this year where we will celebrate our 3 year anniversary and I will be in Berlin for EuroPrideCon just to name a few things
To end in style I would like to invite you all to tell me what you would like to see here at Love Bytes in 2016 ?
What is it that you like or perhaps could be changed ?
One person leaving a comment with suggestion will recieve an $10 AllRomance GC
Thanks Dani xx
Happy 2016! A couple things I like about the blog that some others do differently is the individual email notification per post (rather than a giant email with a bunch of posts that is difficult to read through) and the hearts used for ratings – they are so cute!
that is very good to hear because we always wonder if we shouldnt do it differently so I am very pleased to hear this! And yes I loveeeeeeeee our heartbytes
Happy 2016! I like the mix of reviews, giveaways, and guest post by authors. There’s always something new to read here and I love coming to check the site every day. I can’t think of anything that I’d like you to change.
AWW thanks glad to hear that there is always something new to read
Thank you for being such a loyal follower !
Happy New Year! I love your blog. Just keep doing what you’re doing and 2016 will be great!
Thank you so much
Thank you so much for everything you have done. One thing I liked was the dual review you and Dan did. I thought it was very interesting to see the two different perspectives. I do know it is also time consuming to have two people read the same book. Happy 2016!
Thank you so much
That was indeed fun we were like ok did we really read the same book ??
It is often indeed a proces of finding time to shedule time to read with all lists being full often
Thanks Dani
Happy 2016! I think the blog is great. I especially enjoy the posts from authors. Thanks for everything!
Thank you very much !
I love things as they are, though the occasional film review would be fun (so many gay-themed movies are depressing, lame, or both, and some guidance would help)!
Mmm that is indeed true but that is not an easy thing to do that would mean a totally different catern and view on things , unfortunately not something that I can work in easily
but I really appreciate the suggestion and will definitely keep it in mind
Happy New Year, and the best wishes for 2016 !!
I like the reviews on this blog and the guest post by the authors, i also like the polls and the giveaway chances. You are doing a great job can’t think of a thing to change.
Thank you so much , Dank je,
Hi Dani and team – Happy New Year to you all!
The only thing I would like to see different is winners of LB only comps posted – either on the original or a sep winners drop down list – i usually diary a week after the date I think they’ll finish (if no date or rafflecopter there) to check if won or not – or even a ‘winner picked and notified’ banner or something to know it is all over.
Thank you Suze that is indeed something that could use changing ! Dani
Happy 2016 LB. I think this is one of the best review sites around, I particularly like the book of the week/month/ year feature and that you have so many people doing monthly blog posts. Also that the book reviews are sent individually, I save the ones I want to buy books of, it helps to remember which ones I liked best!
Thank you so much that is great to hear. That is such a huge compliment with so many blogs around
Happy New Year to you all! I love the Flash Back Fridays. Being fairly new to the M/M genre it is nice to read and see some great books that I have missed.
Thank you that is very nice to hear
I absolutely love the site as it is and I like the reviews and posts. And I agree with suze294 about a winner list. =)
Have a wonderful 2016!
to be fair i will always post a winners list
it is found under winners normally , but it is indeed something that could use some reconstuction
So thanks! Dani
i enjoy the blog especially the reviews..i agree with the ladies about a winners list
Thank you and I am working on that
there is a winners list often once in a long while but it could definitely need some restruction
Dani –
Your site is a home for many authors and readers and one of the main reasons is the family we find here – you and your ‘crew’ are just an awesome bunch. I count myself lucky to be your friend and always look forward to seeing you again.
All the best for a super fabulous 2016!!
you make me blush my friend thank you that is beautiful compliment <3
I’m so behind since I caught my cold and thought I had commented. Belated Happy New Year Wishes to everyone at Love Bytes! Hope 2016 will be a better one for you, Danielle.
Thank you Jbst
congrats JenF27