5 Responses

  1. Angela
    Angela at |

    Thanks for your review, it is so good to be able to get a glimpse of the story/book 🙂

  2. Trix
    Trix at |

    Sometimes kids can work in a Christmas m/m romance…Susan in Jamie Fessenden’s THE CHRISTMAS WAGER is pretty understated and a nice addition to the story.

  3. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    The blurb kind of pulls on the heart strings a bit. I’m also not a fan of children in M/M romances because certain attitudes grate on my nerves. Thank you for the review, now I know what I’m in for.

  4. Loren
    Loren at |

    When I’m reading the blurb, I was thinking that Chris would met another man, but, sounds good.

  5. donnajones2014
    donnajones2014 at |

    I was a bit worried by that blurb, but I loved this even as I cried my way through most of it!


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