A warm welcome to author L.B Gregg joining us today for the release of her brandnew novel “With This Bling”
Welcome L.B
Hi. My name is L.B. Gregg and I write gay romance. I’m delighted to be here today celebrating the release of my third Romano and Albright story—With This Bling. I need to give a quick shout out to Riptide Publishing, my readers, and to everyone following the blog tour. Thanks for popping by.
If you follow me on Facebook, you may already know that I enjoy a few reality shows. Not the K-named variety or the sport-dating shows. No Wives of Where Ever or singing/dancing competitors and their high-strung, stage mothers for me. I stick with low conflict programs where contestants use skill, creativity, and ambition to compete for potentially life changing prizes. You know. Just the little things. Like money and a career. Like Project Runway.
The show is not without controversy, and sometimes I disagree heavily (and vocally) with the judges. Let’s face it, those people can be mean and bitchy, (Michael Kors, I’m looking at your hilarious self), but my addiction to the show isn’t about who wins or loses. Or what the judges rule—despite my love of Nina Garcia and the uber adorable Zac Posen. <3 No. I’m interested in the creative process, and the grit and determination the contestants possess. I love to see artists rise to the occasion. They inspire me to dig deeper, trust myself more, and work harder.
Disclosure: once upon a time, I studied costume design. True. It took getting a four year BFA and half an MFA under my belt before I realized I truly sucked, but studying fine arts, and costume construction and design, planted a life long appreciation of just how flipping hard it is to create wearable apparel from absolutely nothing in a single day. Oy.
Anyway, if you’re unfamiliar with the show, contestants meet challenges to ensure a spot in the next episode and ultimately they vie to show off their designs at New York’s prestigious Fashion Week. Contestants have one project per episode. They must adhere to a changing set of crazy criteria and are given about twenty minutes to design before heading out to shop on a budget. Then they drape, sew, fit, and style for their models. Designers might work alone, in pairs, or on teams. At the end of the show each week, there’s a critique on the runway. A sort of a pass/fail for everyone except the winner of the challenge, and the poor exhausted soul who receives the kiss of death/farewell from the flawless Heidi Klum herself. And, the show still manages to preserves the dignity (most of the time) of the competitors. That’s something in today’s television world.
Actually, the whole show is sort of a microcosm of the writing world. Substitute reviewers for judges and books for clothing and, honestly, it’s sort of the same. Win/lose. High stakes. Proving oneself. Rising to the occasion. Cash. Survival.
As I said, I find this process inspiring and tend to root for those designers who work hard, take constructive criticism, overcome obstacles, and are unafraid to stick to their personal aesthetic and allow their artistic expression free reign.
The very best part of Project Runway is of course, the impeccable Tim Gunn, who knows a thing or two about survival. As their mentor, he serves as teacher, parent, boss, hard ass, cheerleader, lifesaver, and tie breaker. He’s the soul of the show and there are times I wish I had a Tim Gunn in my own life when I’m on a deadline and I’m overwhelmed and losing faith. I need a Tim to remind me to edit myself and trust my creative process. Or to take whatever shit pile of words I have going nowhere, and to just make it work. His words are sound bites that resonate.
It took over five years for me to return to the Romano and Albright series. I meant well. I tried often. But my writer’s block proved to be a daily war between my creative voice and a crippling fear of failure. A lot like the contestants on Project Runway, I struggled. And instead of a high-pressure experience over a short time, I sort of simmered on boil for a long, long time.
With This Bling was written over a period of ten months—which is an eternity for writers these days. I lost momentum numerous times, in the book and in my career, but with my rigorous travel schedule, and time with my family at a priority, I also lost sight of Caesar.
And there were times I lost my nerve.
And that’s a hard thing to come back from.
Still. I had the parameters for the next book—the criteria. I had a time line. A direction. And a lot of pressure to succeed. And exactly like those designers on Project Runway, my loss of faith created something unexpected, and difficult, though not impossible to overcome: fear. With my career and a reputation on the line, I had to choose whether I was going to rise above, or throw in the towel.
Television is contrived—but most art is. It’s all about point of view, and message, and selling a dream. So when Tim Gunn said this season, Fear never conquered anything, during a particularly weepy episode of PR, his words resonated so deeply, I had to include them in my book. Because he was so right.
We are often challenged. I struggle with the creative process, time management, and doubt, but watching others who struggle with similar issues illustrates that weakness doesn’t have to define a person. But it can strengthen a person. Resilience. Confidence. Courage. Adaptation. Editing. Faced with challenges, the important thing is to dig deeper, try harder, trust your voice, and believe in yourself. That’s how to vanquish the demons. That’s how to write a book.
It might take me longer than the average writer—much, much longer, actually— but I’m still here, and Ce and Dan are back. They are total winners. I hope you enjoy them.
About the Book
Caesar Romano’s catering career is doing better than he’d ever dreamed. And so is his love life—even if his boyfriend’s house in Staten Island is way too far from civilization for his liking. But then in short order, Caesar is duped into helping his cousin propose, is tricked by his best friend and business partner into appearing on live television, and is harassed by a thug-like personal trainer and his far too beautiful wife. In fact, Caesar is almost too busy to notice that something is troubling his PI boyfriend, Dan Albright.
Laid-back, open, charming—that’s the impression hunky former NYPD Detective Dan Albright gives everyone. Caesar can add sexually adventurous and a bit of an exhibitionist. But he also knows that Dan is hiding something—something dark and a little dangerous—and when Dan’s silence over his mysterious past threatens to harm them both, it’s Caesar’s turn to save the day.
But then again, a break-in, a gallery party, an heirloom ring, a new suit, and a stalker with bad BO are all just a typical week for Caesar Romano.
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When not working from her home in the rolling hills of Northwestern Connecticut, author L.B. Gregg can be spotted in coffee shops from Berlin to Singapore to Panama–sipping lattes and writing sweet, hot, often funny, stories about men who love men.
For more info on L.B., because surely one can never get too much of a good thing, you can follow her on her preferred social media, Facebook. You can also e-mail L.B. at lbgregg at lbgregg dot com, visit her website www.lbgregg.com, be her GoodReads pal or follow her sporadic appearances on twitter.
To celebrate the release of With This Bling, L.B. Gregg is giving away a Romano and Albright mug with swag, and a $40 gift card to Amazon! Your first comment at each stop on this tour enters you in the drawing. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on December 12, 2015. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. Entries. Follow the tour for more opportunities to enter the giveaway! Don’t forget to leave your email or method of contact so Riptide can reach you if you win!
I dislike conflict style TV shows. I find myself more comfortable with reality tv shows that use competition for improvement and the judges provide good, sound advice and encouragement (although sometimes I disagree with it as well). Soft, I know, but there is too much drama and negativity in real life to be entertained by it as well.
I haven’t read the others in this series and will have to rectify this.
There’s so much conflict already-exactly. I love to watch people excel at things they feel passionate about. Thanks for stopping by and taking time to comment~
I love positive reality shows like The Voice! Read and loved the first 2 books in this series and can’t wait to read this one!
Thanks for reading KP! Love to hear that there are fans of the first two books.
Lovely honest post, LB! I can’t wait to read it either :-* Best of luck!
<3 <3 Thanks Jenny.
I am not sure how much I like reality TV shows. I shall have to go on a quest for the first books.
debby236 at gmail dot com
There are so many reality shows! I always liked What Not to Wear. Instructional and funny. Thanks for stopping by, Debra.
I’ll have to go back and reread the other Romano and Albright books! Glad another one is here.
Me too! So glad. And soon I’ll be working on Gaydar Love.
I’m not a big reality show fan, since they seem engineered for forced conflict…
vitajex@aol dot com
Exactly. I prefer my conflict in romance novels, where I’m assured a Happily Ever After.
I’m so glad Caesar and Dan are back! I don’t mind having had to wait five years, I’m sure it is well worth it. Thank you!
Five years! I can’t even believe it. Hope you enjoy, Susana.
I watch so few reality shows, I don’t need to see that contrived drama. Life is hard enough.
Isn’t that the truth? I tend to go for the kind and gentle shows.
I don’t watch reality TV (or really much TV at all), but congrats on overcoming your own challenges and finishing/releasing this new book.
Thanks so much Jen.
I realy love that show, and Zac Posen as well, is one of the few that put the attention on the creating process and not in the interpersonal problems of the contestants.
I didn’t know Romano and Albright series but Riptide and mostly this post has bring it to my attention, i definietly will be looking for it.
Congratulations on the release.
It’s hard to escape the drama, because tv is tv, but they really do a great job. If you click the link for Michael Kors in my post—there’s the real drama. “Rigatoni Mad Max”. Still my favorite comment of all time. Thanks Ana!
I have been looking forward to this, rereading Trust Me in preparation!
Yay! Trust Me was so much fun to write. Actually, they’re always fun.
book sounds great..
I have put the series on my WANT TO READ List! Thank you for the post and the giveaway!
ree.dee.2014 (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for the post! I’m a huge fan of Project Runway too and for many of the same reasons. And like you, I’ve often wished for a Tim Gun in my life too! violet817(at)aol(dot)com
I actually don’t really like most reality shows. (Do cooking shows count?) I’m so excited to see Ce and Dan again and can’t wait to see what they’re up to.
waxapplelover (at) gmail (dot) com
Cooking shows are fab. I love The Food Network.
I don’t really like watching reality tv shows, I found that there is too much drama and feel as f it just wants to rile up negative emotions in viewers.
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
True words. I think that’s why I enjoy writing and reading comedy.
interesting post
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
This is a new series for me so I look forward to it. I heard great things about it.
Great post! Thank you for the giveaway.
christina (dot) mcaul (at) gmail (dot) com
This is one of my absolute favorite series. I’ve re-read them many many times. Thanks for sharing with us today. I’m so glad you found your way back to Ce.
They always make me laugh. And, just when I think nothing new can happen, Ce proves me wrong.
I can’t wait to read more about Caesar and Dan. I’m sure it will be worth the wait. Thanks for the giveaway.
Congratulations on the new book.
Thanks Lauren.
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I’m sorry you had so much trouble getting back in the groove, but I read With This Bling last weekend and it’s just as good as the other two. I was sorry to finish it because I was having so much fun. Now I’m patiently waiting for the next one.
It happens sometimes. I’m so thankful for the friends I’ve made along the way who have offered encouragement and for the readers who have been so patient. Thanks so much, Barbara.
Congratulations on the new book!
annmarief115 at gmail dot com
Thank you for the chance!, {mevalem258 AT gmail DOT com}