4 Responses

  1. Dani Elle Maas
    Dani Elle Maas at |

    fabulous post j.p /trish wonderful to read about your experienced xx

  2. JP Barnaby (@JPBarnaby)
    JP Barnaby (@JPBarnaby) at |

    Thank you!

  3. debfirpo
    debfirpo at |

    Thank you for sharing your life with us. You finished Anthony!! Yay!! I eagerly awaiting this.

  4. Andrea M
    Andrea M at |

    This is a wonderful post and I have to tell you that you’re a top tier author for me. Not only is your writing excellent but you don’t think that MM equates sex scenes strung together by a story and that makes me very happy! Your characters are strong and they are realistic. Life isn’t sugary mush and neither are your books. I thank you for your willingness to share your incredible talent with us readers and I look forward to reading about Anthony!


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