Reviewed by Amber
TITLE: Not the Best Day
AUTHOR: Brynn Stein
PUBLISHER: Dreamspinner Press
LENGTH: 31 pages
Henry hates Christmas shopping. Hates it with a passion. But here he is, downtown shopping two days before Christmas. It would almost be bearable except for the jerk in the trapper hat and plaid scarf who keeps turning up like a bad penny, apparently with no other goal in life than to make Henry’s already crappy day even crappier. Henry doesn’t know what’s up with the guy, but Henry wishes he’d just go away. That doesn’t seem to be in the cards, however. In a day full of surprises, the biggest is yet to come.
I’ve noticed that this author really likes to write stories with an air of mystery. This story really captures what it feels like to go shopping during the holiday and I liked that. This story wasn’t terrible but it had very little in the way of “romance.” We didn’t get to see the “courtship” or how they fell in love which I missed. I would have liked to have read a little bit about the romance side.
Henry is on a race against time trying to get Christmas presents for his family at the last minute. Unfortunately things do not go as planned and he keeps running into a strange man who seems deadest on ruining his day even more than it already is.
Clint is on a mission all his own and is unable to assist Henry with the chaos he’s caused.
There’s a bit of mystery here and very little backstory.
This was an ok read for me…
Thanks for your review
Thank you so much…I do think people should check this author out. Her writing is so different…thanks again.
I appreciate the review!
Thank you so much for commenting. It’s greatly appreciated….
Thank you for the review! I do like a story with an air of mystery =)
I’d give a chance, thank you for your review