Hi all!
We are nearing the end of the year…meaning lots of interesting things are happening here at Love Bytes Reviews!
Like we did the last couple of years, we will be reading and reviewing the Dreamspinner Press Advent Calendar during the month of December. One story will be reviewed and posted every day in December.
We will also have a great giveaway combined with this. Dreamspinner is offering a set of the complete calender to TWO! lucky commentors! I will pull the winners after the month of December!
Also Love Bytes we will again be doing our favorites list to close off the year. Our reviewers will tell you what their favorite books were in 2015. And to add to the fun there will also be a giveaway attached to that!
Then of course, with the end of the year we will also reach the conclusion of our 2015 Book of the Month Polls. The winners of each month’s Poll have rolled forward and will be included in the Love Bytes Reviews Book of the Year Poll in early January with all the books who qualified. And because I feel generous, I’ll mention that the Love Bytes Reviews Book of the Year will be combined with a giveaway as well!
Also I would really like to know at the end of the year what you, as our loyal reader/visitor/follower, think of Love Bytes. Is there something you really like and that you hope will continue? Is there something that is missing or that you would like to see? I would like to hear about things like that, and I will open a post for it later in December! And, what there heck…there just might be that there will be a giveaway there also!
As an author…would you like to promote your book? As a Publisher…would you like to promote your page? Find out the more then reasonable prices to advertise at Love Bytes. For more details, contact Dani: owner@lovebytesreviews.com
And on a personal note: Do you know that I am one of the organizers of EuroPrideCon, which will be happening for the second time in 2016.
This year we are going to visit Berlin from June 11-12th. I hope I will see some of you there
Sign up has started: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/europridecon
Feel free to check out our website: http://www.europridecon.eu/
Have a wonderful December month!
Hugs Dani
Awesome I love seeing the reviews for the advent calendar! Congrats on being one of the organizers for EuroPrideCon, you must be so excited =)
Thank you !
yes I did it last year also it is a lot of work but great fun