8 Responses

  1. Becky Black
    Becky Black at |

    Aside from the collecting the kids from bit, this is definitely the way it works for me. ?

  2. Patricia Lambert
    Patricia Lambert at |

    I’m rolling around laughing, here. I always assumed writing sex scenes was a mixture of imagination, determination, British (where relevant) squirming and lots of wine. I had no idea furniture measurements and fish came into it (unless relevant to the plot, obviously). I’ll be approaching the next hot sex scene I read with trepidation – I might have to stay away from historical stories for a while because I’ll be distracted, wondering about the load bearing properties of an escritoire.

  3. Shirley Ann Speakman
    Shirley Ann Speakman at |

    Wow what can I say you have earned my respect for all the extraordinary things you have to remember and get right for your “Hot Sex Scene.” I’m also amazed that you don’t forget to pick up the children from school!

  4. KJ Charles
    KJ Charles at |

    It’s possible that I did once turn up slightly late. Once. Ten mins max. cough.

  5. Alex Jane
    Alex Jane at |

    “Any word. Except that one” They all sound so awful after a while, I must admit to trying not to mention it directly at all anymore…which is not easy in m/m : ) Reminded me of this cartoon xx http://alexjanewrites.tumblr.com/post/99893574163/nakamuraftw-segomyeggo-i-made-a-follow-up-to

  6. Lotta
    Lotta at |

    Thank you for this priceless insight into a writer’s daily struggles 🙂

  7. Kris Ripper
    Kris Ripper at |

    I’ve been doing it wrong all along! I thought you were supposed to write the whole book with no explicit material, then every fifteen percent or so drop a random sex scene. Are you saying this is perhaps the not most effective way to structure a romantic narrative? Granted, sometimes you have to massage with the percentages. “And then he blotted the lettuce dry in anticipation of making salad. His cock throbbed with need.” Awkward?

  8. December Links | Becky Black
    December Links | Becky Black at |

    […] How to Write a Smoking Hot Sex Scene KJ Charles spills the beans on how writers produce this scenes that get you all hot and bothered. […]

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