Reviewed by Danielle
TITLE: My Hero: The Olympian
After a romantic evening, Rich and Johnny face the light of day as a couple. Johnny’s coming out forces them to face some serious repercussions as the world of collegian jocks adjust to their first openly gay football player.
Rich is still working towards the World Diving Championships with his hopes and dreams set on the 2012 London Olympic Games, while as a couple they deal with concerns closer to home.
With the support of friends and family, the young couple grow closer together, but with prejudices and adversity at every turn will Johnny and Rich be able to tackle the world together?
No matter what, Rich will always be Johnny’s hero.
To say I was excited to start this book is an understatement. I really loved the characters of Johnny and Rich in the first book “My Hero,” so I was very stoked to get started on this new release.
Surprisingly this story picks up right where My Hero left us, so you can “dive” right back in.
The story tells us about Rich preparing for the World Diving Championships and through that his placement for the olympic team. It also tells about the struggles of two young men, a newly openly gay couple in a sport enviroment and college. It shows the support but also the struggle these young men have to conquer on their path towards an Olympic finale.
The families surrounding these young men deserve a special mention. Rich’s reborn relationship with his dad “Dan” (who is a great cook, we have to have some food in there somewhere right?) forms a big family base for this novel. In addition there’s Uncle Virgile, Johnny’s cousin Anita and of course Johnny’s supportive parents. Together they spread a whole lotta love among them.
For anyone who didn’t get the picture yet, these two young men are in love and they kind of like to spread that around quite literally! But then again can we expect otherwise from author Max Vos from those who might be familiar with his work. They are hot and hot for each other. A bit too much you might wonder?
I personally love the red cheeks, the slight embaressment yet the openly proud showing of love, the commitment they represent. With a good dose of humor, respect and understanding, courtesy of the author.,
Not only will the main characters keep you entertained but also their extended family, and it makes the reading worth while. Dan and the lady he meets called “Pet,” Uncle Virgile and Graig (yes, my brain shouts spin off, spin off!), football friend D’andre and best lady friend Ruthie, the boys from the football team…the list goes on.
Max Vos proves again with this story that he knows what he writes about, the passion he portrays is real, brutaly honest and raw with great compession (I will only say Georgie).
Has all this story been told already? Perhaps for Johnny and Rich, but what about Virgile and Graig and what about for example police officer Noah or in a couple of years Georgie?