Today we are very happy to have stopping over author Max Vos for his blog tour on new release “My Hero: The Olympian” and Max didnt come alone he brought with him both main characters of My Hero and My Hero: The Olympian, Johnnie & Rich.
Join us in reading this hilarious double interview!
Welcome Max
TITLE: My Hero: The Olympian
SERIES: My Hero Series #2
LENGTH: 129,600 words approx.
RELEASE DATE: November 15, 2015
BLURB: After a romantic evening, Rich and Johnny face the light of day as a couple. Johnny’s coming out forces them to face some serious repercussions as the world of collegian jocks adjust to their first openly gay football player.
Rich is still working towards the World Diving Championships with his hopes and dreams set on the 2012 London Olympic Games, while as a couple they deal with concerns closer to home.
With the support of friends and family, the young couple grow closer together, but with prejudices and adversity at every turn will Johnny and Rich be able to tackle the world together?
No matter what, Rich will always be Johnny’s hero.
Hi everyone. I brought Johnny and Rich along to catch up with them since the books were finished. I wanted their input on how I did. Let’s see what they have to say.
Max: Thanks for joining me guys, I know you’re busy.
Johnny: No problem, we’re glad to do it.
Rich: Um, sure.
Max: So what do you think of the books?
Rich: Not exactly thrilled, to be honest.
Max: Oh? Why not?
Rich: You put all our personal business out there for the world to see. I’m not so sure I like having our sex lives such public knowledge.
Johnny: Babe, it isn’t like most of the world doesn’t know anyway. (Johnny snickers.)
Rich: Shud’up. (Rich elbows Johnny.)
Max: What do you mean, Johnny?
Johnny: Oh hell, most of the neighbors have heard. Even your dad has heard and commented.
Rich: (Rolls his eyes) Whatever.
Max: Other than that, how do you like it?
Johnny: I think it was great fun… although… I didn’t think I ate that much.
Rich: Oh, you so do. (laughing) John, you really do eat like a family of four.
Max: Any parts you really liked?
Rich: I really enjoyed the whole thing at the Olympics. It was like I was there all over again. Gave me goose bumps.
Johnny: I liked the whole thing with the letter from Rich’s mom. I didn’t really know her, but you can tell how much she loved Rich.
Rich: Yeah… that was nice. I just hope no one thinks I’m crazy when I saw her over the pool.
Johnny: Naw, babe. (Kisses Rich’s cheek) No one thinks you’re crazy.
Max: Anything you didn’t like?
Rich: Other than people knowing we have sex with food? (Scowls)
Johnny: I didn’t like reading about that whole thing with the gun, brought back some bad memories. I was really scared for poor Noah.
Rich: Yeah, that was hard to relive.
Max: How is Noah?
Rich: He’s fine.
Johnny: He’s got a boyfriend. What’s his name? (Looks at Rich)
Rich: Um, John… James? Can’t remember. We’re supposed to have dinner with them next week and meet him.
Johnny: It was cool to hear he’s dating at least.
Rich: And why weren’t we allowed to read that last part. The epilogue?
Max: Because you can’t read about your futures. Might jinx it or mess it up.
Johnny: I’d rather not know anyway.
Max: Anything new going on?
Rich: Well, I’m going to the 2016 Olympics. Tom Daley and I are going to be going head to head again. (Rich laughs) He’s determined, I’ll give him that.
Johnny: He’s a nice guy. His fiance is really nice too.
Max: Speaking of which… now that it is legal to get married now…
Rich: Oh hell, you and Mrs. Milloway. Let me get through the Olympics first please.
Johnny: It’ll happen. (Takes Rich’s hand and kisses it) We want it private. Just close friends and family.
Rich: And we’ll have to be doing it from New Orleans as well.
Johnny: Yeah, that too.
Max: Congratulations on getting into the NFL, Johnny.
Johnny: Thanks. It is a dream come true. I do love playing football.
Rich: We’re staying in an apartment right now, but looking for a house.
Max: I know.
Rich: Yeah, yeah… (Frowns) Got a god complex?
Max: No, I just kind of know what happens.
Johnny: Still don’t want to know. Well… unless I get a great bathroom.
Rich: Yeah, that one in the apartment is pretty small. When John here in in there, there is no room for anyone or anything else.
Johnny: It sucks.
Max: And how are the folks?
Rich: Dad and Pet are going to get married.
Johnny: Yeah, twice. (Laughing)
Rich: Once in the UK and then again back home. I guess they want everyone to be able to go.
Johnny: I still think they should get hitched in the UK and then just come back and have a big reception.
Rich: You’re so the romantic. (Nudges Johnny with his shoulder) He just wants to get to the food table.
Max: Think they might have onion rings? Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
Johnny: If they do, we might disappear for a while. I now have a new way I like to eat them.
Rich: (Rolls his eyes and shakes his head.) You did have to bring that up, didn’t you?
Max: Sorry, couldn’t resist. First the doughnuts and now…
Johnny: We always have powdered doughnuts in the house. (Smiles broadly) I like ‘em… a lot. (Wags eyebrows)
Rich: I swear, you just like food and sex.
Johnny: And football.
Max: Anything else new?
Johnny: Oh, Anita is got married. She married my old teammate, who also got drafted into the NFL, Palema Fialua
Rich: I think they’re going to be very happy. They were made for each other.
Johnny: I think it is funny as hell.
Max: Why?
Johnny: She’s always made fun of me being big and eating a lot. Palema eats more than I do.
Rich: (Laughing) Oh yeah, she’s got her hands full with keeping him filled up.
Max: Will you let me know when you guys are getting married?
Johnny: Of course. You’re invited.
Max: Thanks guys. I appreciate you taking the time to sit down with me. Anything you want to say before we call it done?
Rich: I appreciate you telling our story… even if you did expose us to the world.
Johnny: Yeah, same here. I hope that this helps some other kids or guys out there. Like mom says: love is love, no matter what they have in their pants.
Max: I think you got that message across loud and clear. Thanks again, guys.
As y’all can see, the guys are fine and enjoying their life together. Glad you stopped by.
“No, I’m not going to and there is nothing you can say that will make me either.” Johnny crossed his arms, a defiant look on his face, his eyes narrowed slits.
“Oh come on, John, I wear them.” Rich held up the skimpy black racing briefs. “For me?”
Johnny looked away. “No. I said no and I mean no.”
Rich leaned in close to Johnny so only he could hear. “If you wear this, I can guarantee you some of the best sex in your life. If you think I get turned on by jock straps…”
Johnny glared down at Rich. “You don’t play fair.”
“Wasn’t it you who recently said that all is fair in love and war?” Rich smirked as he dangled the tiny briefs in front of Johnny.
“It better be the best ever.” Johnny let his arms drop. “Okay. But you promised.”
Again, Rich leaned in close. “Maybe even join the mile high club.”
Johnny’s eyebrows shot up and a grin blossomed on his face. “Deal.”
“Are we done here?” Dan called to the two college men. He was standing at the counter, credit card in hand.
“One more thing, Dad.” Rich hurried over to him. “This.”
Dan raised his eyebrows slightly. “Oookay then.”
Rich snickered when he saw Johnny blushing.
“I think this will be all,” Dan said to the clerk.
“I’m going to give you a discount,” the young woman said as she rang it up. “It isn’t every day that we can say an Olympian wore some of our gear.”
“I’m not an Olympian yet,” Rich commented.
“Rich Miller, I’ve known you my entire life, and if anyone is going to be an Olympian, it’s you.” Michelle Stubbon smiled at Rich as she started putting the pile of swimsuits, track suits, shorts, and other things that he and Johnny needed for London in a bag.
“Thanks, Michelle. I appreciate the confidence everyone has in me.”
“Just remember us lowly folk when you come home with Olympic gold,” she laughed as she handed Dan the receipt.
Check out Danielle’s Review of “My Hero : The Olympian” that was posted a bit earlier today
Max Vos is the bestselling author of My Hero. He is loved by his readers for his ‘inappropriate’ side, bringing hot and steamy sex to his writing. Not hemmed in by a single genre Max has the ability to woo you with sweet romance, move you with the power of his words and make you question your definition of love.
Having retired in 2011 after more than 30 years as a chef, Max turned his creativity to writing. You can always find wonderful Southern charm, well rounded and vibrant characters with a good meaty story line in a Max Vos book. Each book will give you something new and amazing to love.
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Winner’s Prize: E-copies of My Hero and My Hero: The Olympian
Runner Up’s Prize: E-copy of My Hero: The Olympian
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Fun interview…I’ve been wanting to read this!
I just finished the first book and loved it. Thanks for this fun interview
Thank you for the great interview and excerpt!
I like the idea… all is fair in love and war!
Character interviews are so much fun. Thank you for sharing =)