Love Bytes is very excited and proud to Exclusively Reveal the Brand New Cover of author T.M Smith new upcoming release “How to Deal” book 3 in the succelfull All Cocks Story series.
Welcome T.M
How to Deal
An All Cocks Story book 3
By T.M. Smith
Tentative release date November 27th 2015
Jon Brennan comes from a long line of men in uniform, all born and breed to both bleed and wear blue. He never hid the fact that he preferred men over women, having his family and the majority of his co-workers support him every step of the way. Between the job and his larger than life, loud and rowdy half Irish, half Italian family, there hasn’t been much time for dating. Not to mention finding a guy that could deal with the stress and demands placed on the shoulders of an NYPD Detective.
Kory White is cocky and abrasive with most people, but it is all a mirage, a façade he has strategically built around himself to keep his heart safe. When Kory was still a child he lost his mother to an act of violence, and then his baby sister Kassandra was taken from him as well, separated by the system. Kassandra was adopted straight away, but Kory spent the next ten years cycling through foster homes, before moving to the Big Apple. In an effort to keep everyone at a distance, Kory has meticulously built himself an alter ego, Hayden Cox, All Cocks cockiest model.
That old saying, opposites attract, is the perfect description for these two strong willed men. Both of them are stubborn and hard headed to a fault, Kory more so than Jon. But Jon is used to being in control, the one calling the shots, while Kory fights him at every turn. The relationship is volatile and strong, both men refusing to give up or give in. Just when it seems they have found a way to navigate the unchartered territory we call love, tragedy knocks on Kory’s door once again.
Here is a little sneak peek at How to Deal. A little set up for the scene, it is a short tease from Jon and Kory’s first date.
“The awkward silence is killing me, so why don’t we get the forbidden topic out of the way first, then we can enjoy our evening, agreed?” Jon threw it out there and Kory nodded.
Kory took a long swallow from his mug, then sat it down and gave Jon his full attention. “Okay, ask away.”
“Alright, but before I ask any questions, I just want you to know I don’t care Kory. It doesn’t bother me and while I am a huge fan of your work, I want to get to know Kory, I want to date Kory, not Hayden Cox.” Jon had to put that out there before they went any further, he had to be sure Kory understood he wasn’t some star struck, psycho fan. Kory nodded and gave Jon what had to be the most genuine smile he had yet to see on that pretty face. It warmed Jon’s insides.
“Why gay porn?” Jon decided to shoot the largest elephant in the room first, might as well.
Kory chuckled, answering Jon’s question with a question. “Why not?” He shrugged his shoulders.
Jon lifted one eyebrow which turned Kory’s chuckle into a laugh. He held his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay. Long story short, I was coming off a bad break-up and I needed money fast to pay my bills. I saw the flyer for All Cocks in the restroom at a gay bar and I set up an interview.”
Kory held up one finger, “I’m gay.” a second finger, “I was single.” a third finger, “I get paid on the spot, per shoot.” a fourth finger, “I get to fuck whenever I want with no strings attached.” another shrug of his shoulders.
Jon just stared at him, speechless. The first three fingers were expected, it was the fourth one that threw Jon off guard.
This time Kory reached for Jon’s hands, holding them in his palms, gently rubbing his thumbs across Jon’s knuckles. “That bad break up I mentioned. It was because we weren’t honest with each other. I’m not usually an open person Jon, I like to stay disconnected, keep people at arms-length. It is easier for me to be Hayden Cox, the cocky, self-assured porn star than it is for me to be Kory White, the fucked up guy with a chip on his shoulder and abandonment issues.”
Jon whistled low. “Wow.”
“Wow?” Kory looked at him warily.
“Yeah, wow. I think I just learned more about you in sixty seconds than most people would in a year.” Jon gave him a rueful smile.
Kory snorted. “Yeah, well, you should know Jon, I’m a runner.”
“So am I.” Jon gave him a lascivious grin.
“No, you don’t get it. I don’t deal well with pressure or stress. I shut down and I run. It’s why I’m single. Well, that and the porn. You should do yourself a favor and walk away now.” Kory stated flatly.
“Well, you should know I don’t give up that easily. When I see something I want I go after it. Right now, I want you, and I can run very, very fast Kory. You should watch out, I just might catch you.” Jon relished the stunned look on Kory’s face. It lasted about ten seconds before Jon could see the wheels in his head churning, a witty comeback traveling the path from Kory’s brain to his lips, but thank fuck the server brought their food to the table right then.
A quick thank you to Dani and the Love Bytes team for hosting this Exclusive Cover Reveal, I can’t wait to bring you the next story in the All Cocks series. I am having so much fun writing Jon and Kory. I will have to release this one with a Kleenex warning though, it gets a little real at one point, but the direction is where the characters were leading me, so I hope you all agree when you finish it. Just one more month and you will be wrapping up your left-over turkey, pulling the Christmas tree out of the attic, and loading How to Deal to your kindles!!
A military brat born and raised at Ft. Benning Georgia; Smith is an avid reader, reviewer and writer. She now calls Texas home from her small town on the outskirts of the DFW Metroplex. Most days you can find her curled up with her kindle and a good book alongside a glass of something aged and red or a steaming cup of coffee! At 44 years young, she’s decided to enter the next phase of her life by adding the title of “author” to her list of accomplishments. Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, Smith is passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights.
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T.M is generously giving away a $20 Gc to Amazon or B&N ( winner choice)
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I love these stories. Thanks for introducing me to this one.
I’m so happy you love this series debby236, I am having so much fun writing these stories. This one will release on black friday!
Congratulations T M on your upcoming release the cover is gorgeous and the excerpt was fab adding the book to my wish list.
Tams! another brilliant cover can’t wait to read, I’m sure it’s a 5 STAR bk!
Congratulations on the release and looking forward to reading it! I love this series!
I’ve been wanting to read this series!
Congratulations on the new book!
Congratulations on the new book and it’s awesome cover! I can’t wait to read this one too!
Glad Kory got a story of his own! And hopefully a HEA.
HI, Tams! Congrats on the new release. What a beautiful cover! I can’t wait to add this one to my library, I’ve enjoyed this series so much. Thanks for a chance in the giveaway.
I love the cover! I cannot wait to read Kory’s story. Thank you for sharing.
Congrats on your new release TM! It looks fantastic and sounds great. Adding it to my wishlist =)
Congrats on ur new release x love 2 win xx
Congrats! Thanks for the chance.
I loved her first two books can’t wait for the third one to release in November! Congrats TM Smith
Gorgeous cover. I can’t wait for this book!!
I’ve not heard of these stories before today. I think I will be adding them to me list if books to read. Thanks for the excerpt.
cant wait for this next book TM..congrats
I liked book 1 and I still have to read book 2 but I really like it. =)
congrats on the new release!
Congratulations on your new release.
Congrats Andrea