13 Responses

  1. suze294
    suze294 at |

    Thank you for sharing Chris. I hope your life continues in the way that makes you happiest – enjoy!

    1. Chris (@N_Cog_Neat_O)
      Chris (@N_Cog_Neat_O) at |

      Thank you, Suze!

  2. Dan
    Dan at |

    So happy to read your post. Congrats on your coming out day. Proud of you.

    1. Chris (@N_Cog_Neat_O)
      Chris (@N_Cog_Neat_O) at |


      I have a feeling it is gonna be a good day.

  3. Stan D. Jensen: pen name J. Carter Swift

    Great words!

  4. Jenn Burke
    Jenn Burke at |

    This is a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing it, Chris! (And hey the Sens won last night! How’d your Sharks do?) 🙂

  5. Optimist
    Optimist at |

    Congratulations on your coming out. Your words were good as well, dude. 😉

  6. Kaje
    Kaje at |

    ((Giant hugs)) and congratulations on coming out. Congratulations on finding words that fit what you wanted to say, and a sense of self that feels more comfortable. I’m glad you and your sister have each other, as you move openly into the broader world. And if my words played a positive role, and were of worth to you, then I’m honored.

    For all the young Sams, and people like my own teens, who need role models, and who will benefit from every voice that comes before them, thank you for speaking up. And very best wishes for a wonderful future.

  7. Christie
    Christie at |

    Thank you for writing this – I found out about it from one of my moms of LGBT Facebook groups.

    I have downloaded the Rainbow Briefs book to my kindle and want to share the Designing Sam story with my 16 yr old Trans son. (Interestingly, he was born Samantha/Sam).

    Anyway, thank you for being out there so others can learn and grow. You rock!!

    1. Chris (@N_Cog_Neat_O)
      Chris (@N_Cog_Neat_O) at |

      Omg, that is so cool. And that book is really good. Hope you both enjoy it!

  8. Dre Zee
    Dre Zee at |

    I’m glad you found your words, and congrats on coming out! Thanks for sharing your story as I’m sure it will help others find their words.

  9. Ruthann Knutson
    Ruthann Knutson at |

    Bless you, Chris. I hope you won’t mind if this straight white 62 year-old grandma prays that one day you will know that God loves you exactly as you are, which is absolutely wonderful. Thank you for sharing so honestly. You touched my heart.


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