Last weekend I was in Bristol for the UK Meet and had a great time
I posted some dailey posts on fb and put them here in a blog post incl some pics of the weekend
arrived on friday for the uk meet drove from the netherlands with blaine parked my car at my friend pauls and he brought us to the hotel. Nice hotel nice room . Already hugged lots even before I checked in and spend some much needed quality with my Girl and fellow reviewer Marieke and her hubby.We had a quick bite for diner.
I spend the evening in the bar listening to funny stories , people talk, some more hugs and some much needed planning for Euro Con !! yes ooh yes and I also slept lol .
Dropped of my swag and started out with breakfast with some friends . then of to the conference room for the welcome as it officially started today . Charlie always knows how to sell it next on the agenda was of readers reading a favorite parts out of books and the people in the room could respond to that followed by two panels you could choose from I attended the panel on thropes. In the afternoon by populair request the BDSM panel as usual brilliant ! a quick stop to the room to get my books for the signing who was planned after Elizabeth North her speech.
I listened as mentioned to a brilliant inspirational speech and got my books signed at the signing ,also bought some ( and yes my hubby found out
) . Finally a much needed break in the hotel room even tried to read but kind of jumpy lol. The gala diner was a blast. it was fenomenal they should do that annually so good the choir was so beautiful ( yes I let out a little tear at a particular song). The drag queen was a hoot she could sing and was funny . The butlers well duh you saw the pics right
. I sat at a wonderful table with some new people and some friends. Had a wonderful time !Finishing the night off with my diet coke in the bar
The last day brought us breakfast which was great like yesterday wonderful food ,good company . skipped the first panel to have a chat with Hans about last years Eurocon went to the dark characters panel with the always hilarious Aleksandr Voinov and LoriGalagher Witt ,had lunch and listened to the wonderful KJ Charles in her keynote speech.
It was closed down with the organizers asking feedback so everybody could give opinions and views.
Then it was time to do round of hugs and goodbyes and I felt bumped as I always miss some people . Spend the sundaynight and Monday with my dear friend Paul going back to good old Nederland .
Thanks to the organizers , the people there for a lovely weekend it was great meeting old and new friends of to the next con.
When I came home I was Looking on fb and thinking ok did I attend the same meet this weekend ? I had a wonderful weekend I give huge kudo’s to the organizers and now I am reading responses and reactions centered about something that took place 2 hours ? the meet was friends books hugs likeminded people no judging on what gender what relationship ( and in my case bodyweight for example ) it was about having a blast enjoying each others company and the included or optional entertainment . It makes me… sad too see that posts get focussed on one things despite your opinion answer to yourself did I attend and see what happened ? did it also mention the highlight of that entertainment evening that was a lgtbq choir so beautiful that it brought people to tears ( incl me) and did you dance with us just to name sometings . Do people understand what it takes to plan something like this how brilliant those organizers are how approachable how open for anything ? please dont take away the pleasure of people who loved the event to only just see and talk about what you feel could be seen as something negative where it is and was so much more .
I have to say I enjoyed myself greatly this year and last year for the matter . The Uk meet pumped me up to get busy with Eurocon and it made me already look forward to next year
Ooh and btw did someone mention bunny’s
Lovely post, but could you take out the picture of Novel Novel Openings? I can see at least one fuzzy white lanyard person there.
Thanks so much for doing that. The white lanyard wasn’t obvious.