7 Responses

  1. Lavender Wynter
    Lavender Wynter at |

    I have 3 sharpies: gold, silver, and bronze. In gold, I have written down, “If you want it bad enough…” In silver, it is written, “Keep writing.” And in bronze is the pearl of wisdom, “Write drunk, edit sober.” Those are kept on the inside covers of my writing notebooks. There’s space for a few more to go in there if I ever come across some more to help with the writing. 🙂

    This one guides me when I get stumped in life: “If there isn’t a road where I need it, make one.”

    I used to have one that said, “Aim for the stars. Even if you didn’t make it that far, you’ll land on the moon.” Then I realized I would never settle for landing for the moon if I aimed for the stars. I’m just not that kind of person. 🙂

    Thank you so much for the post and the insight to the author behind those wonderful novels! <3

    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      I love those quotes! And some of them even sound… familiar 😉

      Thank you for sharing! <3

  2. Jack Frost
    Jack Frost at |

    Wow, that was beautiful. I shall have to find some good quotes about life someday. My favorite quotes are just ones that make me laugh.

    “Psychiatry enables us to correct our faults by confessing our parents’ shortcomings.” – Laurence J. Peter

    “Television is an invention that lets you be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn’t have in your home.” – David Frost (no relation)

    “The dubious privilege of a freelance writer is he’s given the freedom to starve anywhere.” – S.J. Perelman

    “Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.” – Cyril Connolly

    “All books are either dreams or swords, you can cut or you can drug with words.” – Amy Lowell

    “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then Success is sure.” – Mark Twain

    “I have given up reading books; I find it takes my mind off myself.” Oscar Levant

    “Let me tell you about success. The firefiles of South Africa are very successful. They burn so brightly the women stick needles through them to wear them in their hair. So much for success.” – Vincent Van Gough

    I think I shall start my inspirational quotes with this

    “Never do today what you can do tomorrow. Something may occur to make you regret your premature action.” – Aaron Burr

    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      Priceless! I snorted wine over the Perelman quote. I do love me some clear sinuses. Thank you very much! 😀

  3. drawboy
    drawboy at |

    Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful and thoughtful post, buddy! 😀

    So love those quotes and I actually think they are not only very important but can really help through life. 🙂

    Although I do not have that one quote, I generally believe in that with enough patience one can always see the Universe coming to balance. For every bad moment or day one might have there will be a good one. Maybe not right around the corner but it will happen. 🙂

    Maybe there is something that I live by. Not exactly a quote but I also believe in being the first one to be kind and respectful. So far it worked. 😀

    *grins* My desk or working place is nothing like yours. XD Barren and totally void of any Post-it. I would probably spend more time keep adjusting them with a ruler than drawing! XD Looking over at the desk of my gorgeous demon though? Well, you two would love each other! 😀


    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      Ah, patience and balance — perfect! Though I might have to start calling you Gavin if you keep that up. 😉

      As for your demon’s cluttered desk, they say a cluttered desk is the sign of a creative mind, you know.

      Thank you for sharing! <3

      1. Jack Frost
        Jack Frost at |

        Huh….that’s not what my boss says.


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