A very warm welcome to author R.j Scott the next author who stops by our blog on the GRL featured blogger tour.
R.j talks to us about her experience with GRL , shows us her new upcoming release and brought with her a great giveaway !
Welcome R.j
There are a lot of things I love about GRL.
Meeting authors and readers is the big one. I’ve made lots of new friends through GRL, and managed to fan girl quite a few authors. I love the chance of giving away books, and signing them for those that want me to. I love picking up pens from swag (I love pens!), and all the other little interesting things like mirrors, and stationary kits, and sighs… Clare London sweets. I love the events, not so much the evening ones as I am usually completely knackered by 9pm US time, but the Q&A sessions, and the panels. I’m on a panel this year with Amber Kell and Marie Sexton, talking about the attraction of the blue collar worker (yum), and we really need to start preparing this (ROFL, it’s not like GRL is only a month away!).
But there is one thing that is a side result of attending the US GRL meets, and that is seeing America.
I would never have gone to Chicago for *a few days*, I would never have seen the Smoky Mountains *for a few days*, and I certainly wouldn’t visit Hollywood *just for a few days*. Because, let’s face it, the UK is some distance from the US!
I loved seeing Chicago, I loved the Smoky Mountains, and hell, I am so excited about actually standing in LA.
I don’t care if there is smog, or tourists in my way, or commercialism. I want to see the Griffith Observatory. I want to see the LA that I destroyed in All The Kings Men (Sorry, LA). I want to see the Hollywood sign, and some star’s houses. I want to see Graumman’s Chinese Theater (which I discovered isn’t even called that anymore *sad face*). I want to see the stars in the pavements for Harrison Ford and Richard Burton. Gah, so much I want to do, all of it on some kind of unspoken wish list that I would never have crossed off had it not been for GRL. I’m only in LA for three nights, meeting up with Amber and her wonderful hubby, and they are being so patient with me. We even have a hotel in Hollywood. A HOTEL IN HOLLYWOOD, OMFG.
So, a HUGE thank you to GRL for allowing me to see bits of the world I would never have seen!
Lane asked Rj the following question : If Hollywood would make a movie about your life who you like to play the lead and why ?
Cameron Diaz because we are so much alike . ROFL ! jk probably Melissa McCarthy lol
R.j ‘s question for Morticia Knight
If you could visit anywhere in the world for research where would you go ?
About RJ
RJ Scott has been writing since age six, when she was made to stay in at lunchtime for an infraction involving cookies. She was told to write a story and two sides of paper about a trapped princess later, a lover of writing was born.
As an avid reader herself, she can be found reading anything from thrillers to sci-fi to horror. However, her first real true love will always be the world of romance where she takes cowboys, bodyguards, firemen and billionaires (to name a few) and writes dramatic and romantic stories of love and passion between these men.
With over seventy titles to her name and counting, she is the author of the award winning book, The Christmas Throwaway. She is also known for the Texas series charting the lives of Riley and Jack, and the Sanctuary series following the work of the Sanctuary Foundation and the people it protects.
Her goal is to write stories with a heart of romance, a troubled road to reach happiness, and most importantly, that hint of a happily ever after.
www.tumblr.com/blog/rjscott (some NSFW (not safe for work) photos)
Coming 25th September – Texas Wedding
Sometimes Riley and Jack have to be the ones to fight other people’s battles and stand up for what is right. With the life changing prospect of a yes vote from SCOTUS on the issue of same sex marriage, Riley and Jack realise they have decisions to make. Add in some distressing family news and the very real possibility that old secrets may resurface, and this last book in the Texas series pulls together as many threads as the boys can manage to handle. But through all the ups and the downs, children, family events, laughter, and tears, there is nothing as special as the forever love between these two men.
The full book list:
Book 1 – The Heart of Texas Book 2 – Texas Winter Book 3 – Texas Heat Book 4 – Texas Family Book 5 – Texas Christmas Book 6 – Texas Fall Book 7 – Texas Wedding
R.J kindly is giving away a $10 giftcard for Amazon or All Romance to one Lucky reader.
Leave a comment to enter !
Love finding new to me series….can’t wait to get started on this one!
envy!!! the idea of going to GRL has to do me as it is unlikely in reality
I would have loved the NOLA one, NO just has that certain mystique that calls out
Thanks for this post, i enjoyed reading it. I have mixed feelings about
september 25th because although i look forward to Texas Wedding i’m also a bit sad that this will be the last in this serie. I’m going to miss Riley, Jack and all the others. I hope you have a good time at GRL
Have a great time at GRL and I look forward to this book. It’s a little sad it ends but maybe we can see how they’re doing in your spin-off.
Have a wonderful time at GRL!
I hope you have a great time at GRL. I would love to go one year.
I hope you have a great time at GRL and enjoy LA. If you have a chance and like hot dogs be sure to stop in at Pinks. Well, I actually don’t normally eat hot dogs, but I love Pinks.
I am so happy you finally got to write Texas Wedding.
I’ve got the first three books in my Kindle’s TBR pile. Will need to move them up the pile. Terrific cover.
I love RJ’s books and can’t wait to read more of them. Have a wonderful time at GRL.
sstrode at scrtc dot com
I have never read this series and I really must.
I’m do sad the series is ending.
I haven’t read this series yet. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great time at GRL.
Love this series! Can’t wait for Texas Wedding
havent read but sounds like a great series
This series is on my wishlist!! Thanks for the chance with this giveaway!
Hope you have a great time at GRL and sightseeing, too.
I love the Texas series and can’t wait to read Texas Wedding.