Reviewed by Roberta
TITLE: Suit Yourself
SERIES: Men Of London Book 3
AUTHOR: Susan MacNicol
PUBLISHER: Boroughs Publishing Group
LENGTH: 198 Pages
Scarred both physically and emotionally after a motorcycle accident, twenty-five year old ex fashion model and porn star Oliver Brown is about to be stripped bare by flamboyant twink Leslie Scott—and they’ll rebuild love from the bottom up.
Twenty-five year old Oliver Brown is addicted. Two years ago, he was at the height of his career as “Nicky Star,” fashion model, porn actor, partier without peer. Then came the accident. Hiding his scars, both emotional and physical, he’s gone into hiding. But fine clothing is some solace. A new suit by Debussy? Better even than a ride on his motorcycle Hulk or all the things he used to give and take on camera.
Enter Leslie Scott, the flamboyant, dark-haired, heel-and-tiny-short-wearing twink sent to deliver Oliver’s newest fix. A firecracker, Leslie is dapper, generous, in touch with his feminine side but all man, and as gorgeous as any garment ever made. He makes Oliver dream of ending his reclusion, of recapturing a future forever denied him. But for that to happen, Leslie would have to strip him to the bone. Only then will they rebuild life from the bottom up.
So, I’ve read a couple of Susan’s books before and have always enjoyed her work. So, I was really excited to read this book. Now, I’m coming into this series on book 3, having not read the first 2 books and we all know how I love coming into a series and seeing if I can come in and be able to follow the story.
Oliver Brown…this young man just hurt my heart. Oliver was a former model and porn star who was in a horrific crash that scarred him and left him with loads of doubts and self esteem issues. Oliver went by the stage name Nicky Starr and he had it all!! The world was his oyster. Now, 2 years later and he’s become a hermit. He still loves to buy expensive suits and he’s made a new life for himself as a web designer, but he’s a recluse. He only goes to a few shops that are “safe” for him to go to. Oliver had a lover, Gregori who was also a porn star…what an UTTER ASS that “man” turned out to be. Oliver wants to find that one and only love. The kind that lasts forever, however, he’s got to deal with some issues that plague him.
Leslie Scott…OH MY LANTA…I LOVE HIM!!! He’s just this really great flamboyant character that just had me in stitches!! He’s just got this mouth that babbles and his mind flies from one thought to the next. Leslie is cute, fun, sexy and he’s got this cute lil sexy kink of wearing heels and sexy underthings. I love how Leslie is just about the most honest person there is. He thinks it and it normally comes out. I love how he just has these situations that seem to just happen to him and they are usually just so freaking funny. Leslie, like Oliver, really wants to have a truly loving, long-lasting relationship. He’s tired of being the one night-stand or the guy that is seen as high maintenance. Leslie has seen his two best friends find love and Dammit…he wants to find his love!!!
Now, the secondary cast of characters in this story were strong and sassy and just AMAZING. Oliver has his friend, Katie. Katie loves Oliver something FIERCE!! She has been by his side through thick and thin. I really liked that you get a wonderful female character in this story. Oliver has his ex, Gregori and his sycophants, Pierce and Payton who are there just to be horrible people AND THEY ARE!!! There were no redeeming qualities in any of these people. I was glad to see that Gregori got a tiny bit of what should come to him. Leslie…now Leslie has this AMAZING group of friends in his life. Taylor and Eddie were Leslie’s housemates until they found their forever loves, Draven and Gideon. Now, these guys are still amazing friends and just LOVE Leslie the way he is and are there for him, as he’s been for them. Laverne Debussy-Smith…Leslie’s boss…LOVE HER!! I loved everything about her and the way that she cares for her staff, especially Leslie. I love how they each MC has at least one person in their lives who loves them unconditionally.
Now, if you’ve read a Susan MacNicol book, you know that her sexy times are in fact….SEXY TIMES and this book was no different. Susan has this wonderful ability to turn what you think is just a sex scene into something beautiful and endearing. Not to say that there wasn’t some good ol fashion shagging being had, but you could tell the difference between the two and that is truly what makes a story.
This book had it all…past drug/alcohol abuse, ex-lovers, dealing with feelings of self-esteem and self worth. I sat down to read this book and just fell in love. I didn’t really want the story to end, however, like all books…DAMMIT…they end. I’m looking forward to going back and reading the first two as well as the last story. I enjoy getting caught up in a series that just takes you for a ride and this one sure seems to do that.
So…grab a drink, a comfy chair and get ready to giggle madly and fall in love!!!
Thanks for the brilliant review Roberta, love that you loved this book! Laverne’s (Lenny) story is next out towards the end of the year, so hope you fancy reading that one too