I didn’t realise ending a series could be as hard as it is.
See, when I write a trilogy, knowing it is going to be a trilogy then I already have a defined story arc. In Sanctuary this was the Bullen family case which began with Guarding Morgan and ended with Worlds Collide. Originally it was supposed to be five books, but that was okay, I had seven stories and I knew the series was ending at seven books.
Let’s not mention I am now writing another Sanctuary book, but that is a whole new story arc so that’s okay.
Then series like Bodyguards Inc, that was four books, until it became 5 and 6…
On the other hand Sapphire Cay with Meredith Russell was always going to be six books, and the story arc was very set in our heads.
Which brings me to Texas. I’m writing book 7 in my Texas series. Texas Wedding is the final book charting the love and life of Riley and Jack Campbell-Hayes. There has been drama, adoptions, surrogacy, murder, blackmail, kidnapping, hate crime… you name it and it has popped up somewhere in among the quarter of a million words (plus) of Texas.
The Heart of Texas was supposed to be a standalone. Yes, I know, I’m a muppet. Something about Jack and Riley made me want to write more of them. So I did. Texas Winter followed a year later and all the way now up to Texas Wedding.
And this is the FINAL one in this series. Seriously, the final one. How can I tell? Because I feel like I am losing an old friend writing this book. It seems like I am saying goodbye and I know in my heart there will be no more in this series.
For the offshoot series coming out next Summer, based on three boys I introduced in a scene in Texas Fall. In which of course, Jack and Riley will feature. They just won’t be the primary focus.
Oh, and the *future* book I want to write… Focusing on Hayley grown up, and Connor finding love and maybe Hayley getting her man (yes there will be a het part to the romance, but no on page sex, promise!). So we’ll get to see Riley and Jack fifteen years down the road… twenty years… and that is the next phase in Texas.
So, meanwhile I will be sat here having a little cry as it comes to the end of writing Texas Wedding.
That’s a lie, it won’t be a little cry, it will be an angry messy loud cry.
Then I’ll move on to writing Sanctuary 8, and hope that the readers like how I rounded up Texas.
Fingers crossed…
And coming 25th September 2015, Texas Wedding.
I am already crying I’ve read some books over the years but none and I mean none as good as the Texas series. With that said I will continue to reread them over and over again and follow the others that touched us in that series as well. Thank R.J
I can’t wait to read Texas Wedding, but it is bittersweet knowing that this is the last one. I’m from Texas so this series has a special place in my heart. Happy to hear about the next phase and a story with Hayley all grown up. Thanks for writing this amazing series.