Today we are happy to host author Megan Mulry showing us an exclusive excerpt of her new release ” Bound with Honor”
There is also a great Riptide giveaway to participate in!
Welcome Megan
“If you don’t mind my asking, what do you really want from him?”
Without Diana’s help and guidance, Selina never would have survived the very real consequences of leaving her wealthy family. She owed her aunt a great deal, so telling the truth in this was the least she could do. She put her teacup on the table in front of her and leaned into the comfortable armchair. “I wish I knew.” Letting her head fall back, she stared at the detailed plasterwork on the ceiling. “I’m twenty-six, but he makes me feel like a nervous schoolgirl.”
“There will always be those people who cross your path only to vex you. Does he speak down to you? Treat you like a child? Men of that sort can be so tedious.”
Selina wanted to cry. If only Archie were disrespectful in those ways, then perhaps she could dismiss him with ease. “No!” Her frustration escalated again. “He is interested in my work. He shares his own scientific investigations with me, respects my thoughts and opinions. In fact, I believe he admires me.” She covered her face with her palms. “Ugh.”
Diana pulled Selina’s hands gently away from her face and held them in hers. “What is it, dear?”
“What if my parents were right? What if I am some sort of insatiable harlot?”
Diana erupted with laughter. “You are hardly a harlot, my dear. Simply look at you—” She tried to pull Selina’s hands open wide, as if she were a puppet taking a bow. “You are the picture of respectability.”
“No!” Selina tore her hands away and stood up to start pacing again. She had been confined in that despicable carriage for three days straight and she needed to move. “I don’t know quite how to say this, perhaps it will come out sounding horribly gauche, but, well, what I’m trying to say is . . . I . . . I like certain . . . I . . . am very . . .”
“You enjoy sex?”
“Yes!” As soon as the word flew from her lips, she covered her mouth as if she could take it back.
“And you think that makes you a harlot?”
“Doesn’t it? I mean of course my enthusiasm has never been a problem with Beatrix.” She blushed slightly, but Diana knew all about her relationship with Beatrix, and there was no point in playing coy when they were this close to the raw truth. “She and I are equals. Obviously in our bodies, but it’s more than that. It would never occur to Beatrix to see my enjoyment as prurient. Why do men see it that way?”
Diana smiled knowingly. “Not all men see it that way, my dear.”
“I know, but Archie does.”
“Then perhaps this Archibald Cambury is not the right man for you.”
Selina sat down again, having tired herself sufficiently with her rapid marching about. “But he’s the only man I’ve ever wanted.”
Diana laughed softly, looked at her lap, and then met Selina’s gaze when her humor faded. “So is it merely a childish case of you not getting what you want?”
“You are awful.” But she smiled at her aunt. “And I fear you may be right. I thought men . . . welcomed this sort of thing.”
“Oh dear. What sort of thing? Did you make an overture?”
Selina examined her fingernail. “You could call it that.”
“What else could I call it?”
“It’s too mortifying.” She stood up again. “I can’t relive it this soon. Eventually I will be able to laugh at myself, or even use it in a book of some sort, when I am eager to deflate a character’s confidence to the full extent of my powers.”
“Oh, sweet Selina. It can’t have been that bad.”
“It was that bad, Aunt. It was that bad.”
What an intriguing concept. I would love to read this one!
debby236 at gmail dot com
This sounds like a good read.
Thanks for the excerpt and the giveaway chance
nice excerpt
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Interesting excerpt. Thank you for it.
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
Loved the excerpt. I love that this is a different Historical romance.
amybowens34 at yahoo dot com
Congrats on your new release! mevalem258 AT gmail DOT com
Fun excerpt! I haven’t yet read anything from this series, but I’m glad to learn about it.
caroaz [at] ymail [dot] com
Great excerpt I enjoyed read it. I have added to my TRL.