The first book I had published was one I co-wrote with the amazing Anyta Sunday. I was long a fan of her work, and she and I decided to write something together to see if we could get it published. That something was (Un)Masked. Four years later, I still reflect on the experience of writing with Anyta as one of the best things I’ve done as an author.
I’ve talked to many people who’ve co-authored books. Most will tell you it was a great experience. That’s generally because if the book is published, the collaboration was a success. But not all partnerships work. I’ve found it takes a certain mentality, one were both sides are willing to shelve their egos and not fall in love with their own words. It requires a frank and honest look at your strengths and weaknesses and being able to admit your co-author does at least some things (and maybe most things) better than you. Much like working with a beta reader, you can’t take the changes your co-author makes personally.
The great thing about writing a story with someone is, you are a beta reader on steroids for your partner. A co-author is far more invested in the story than even the best beta reader. Both writers bring their strengths to the work and if each is allowed to uses those talents to the fullest, the end result is a superior book.
For those who’ve not read her books, Anyta sees the world in such a deep and vibrant way. Her imagery is breathtaking at times. She has such a unique way of telling things that you can’t help smiling as some of the pictures her words paint. And lest I forget, she sees the most amazing stories. If you sense that I’m a real fan of her work, you’d be correct.
Unfortunately, after (Un)Masked Anyta and I went our separate ways. She started to build her career as a self-published author and I went to work on my fantasy series. But after finishing Kings of Lore and Legend—book three of Champion of the Gods, and Redemption the sequel to Purpose I needed a break from fantasy and paranormal. As luck would have it, Anyta also had break between books. We decided to dust off our collaboration hats and set to work on finishing something we’d started almost two years ago.
July has been a wonderful time for me as an author. Not only did I get to go to Rainbow Con this year, but I’ve spent most of the month working with Antya again on a new book. This will be my first contemporary MM Romance. No paranormal or fantasy elements, just a pure MM Romance. It’s also going to—hopefully—be a three book series. Right now, if things go well, it will be out in the spring, so look for more news in the next few months.
But in the mean time, if you hear me whistling happy tunes, you know it’s because I’ve been reminded just how much fun writing can be when you work with someone as amazing as Anyta Sunday.
For those who are not familiar with Anyta and her work, check out her website.
And if you want to check out our first book together, here’s a link to the book page for (Un)Masked:
Last, if you’d like to get a free copy of The Last Grand Master – Book One in my Champion of the Gods series, click the banner below for details on how to get your copy.

Andrew Q. Gordon wrote his first story back when yellow legal pads, ball point pens were common and a Smith Corona correctable typewriter was considered high tech. Adapting with technology, he now takes his MacBook somewhere quiet when he wants to write.
He currently lives in the Washington, D.C. area with his partner of twenty years, their young daughter and dog. In addition to dodging some very self-important D.C. ‘insiders’, Andrew uses his commute to catch up on his reading. When not working or writing, he enjoys soccer, high fantasy, baseball and seeing how much coffee he can drink in a day.
Follow Andrew:
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The Last Grand Master: (Champion of the Gods – Book 1)
The Eye and the Arm: (Champion of the Gods – Book 2)
Self published:
Awww, this is seriously the loveliest, most thoughtful post I’ve read. Andy, it’s a pleasure working with you as well! Working with you this month reminds me how sad it was when we went our separate ways for a while.
On the plus side, isn’t it amazing coming together again and seeing how much we’ve both learned and how much our writing has improved?
We have a fun and unique voice working together, and I sure (hehe) am excited for this next book of ours to come out!