A warm welcome to author TT Kove joining us on the “Protection” Blog Tour.
Welcome TT
Author Name: TT Kove
Book Name: Protection
Release Date: July 24, 2015
Publisher: TT Kove
Cover Artist: TT Kove
Pages or Words: 21,000 words
Adrian isn’t looking for a boyfriend. He’s focused on school and social situations make him anxious. When his mother encourages him to make a friend and be more outgoing, he takes a chance at a party. It doesn’t live up to expectations. His classmates ignore him and the alcohol tastes bad. Worse? Oliver finds him moping in the bathroom.
Oliver, the class clown and know-it-all, might grate Adrian’s last nerve, but he’s the only one paying Adrian any attention. Not only does Oliver flirt him into a bedroom, he charms Adrian’s pants off. Adrian loses his virginity to a man he doesn’t even like and in the morning his anxiety spirals into full panic. They didn’t use protection and popular-with-everyone Oliver insists they need to get tested.
Adrian is sure this isn’t the kind of friendship his mother meant and he tries to distance himself. But it turns out Oliver’s brash personality is just a mask to hide his own insecurities and family embarrassments. Adrian can relate. Oliver may be a know-it-all, yet Adrian can’t abandon him. Besides, they still need their test results. But how can the popular kid be friends with him when Adrian doesn’t want to come out of his shell?
Categories: Contemporary, M/M Romance, New Adult, Romance
Sales Links:
Hi TT, thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about yourself, your background, and your current book.
Hi, thanks so much for having us! I’m TT, born and bred in Norway, and I’ve been a published author of m/m fiction since late 2011. My favourite genre to both write and read is contemporary, so it’s safe to say that it is the genre of my new book. It has college age protagonists, one of whom deals with, at times, crippling anxiety.
What is the most satisfying thing about being a writer?
Being able to tell the stories plaguing me. Of being able to get the words down on paper and have them make sense afterwards.
Do your characters ever take over your writing and make the story go somewhere you hadn’t originally planned?
Oh yes. That happens all the time. If I do make an outline, which I rarely do, it won’t be followed in the end.
How did you celebrate the release of your book?
I try not to check ratings and reviews obsessively… but I do. Best to be offline and read a good book, watch a series, and eat crisps.
How did you come up with the idea for this book?
I already had the beginning written out as a rewrite of an older book. When these characters popped up, I took that beginning and rewrote it into what it is now. Much prefer this version!
Have you ever written naked?
No, I have not.
I hate parties.
I hovered by the door leading into the living room. It was crowded with people drunk off their arses. They looked, quite frankly, ridiculous the way they tried to flirt and hook up with each other. It was disgusting. No one had better come over to me with their cheesy pick-up lines.
I wanted to leave. But the front door was on the opposite side of the living room. To get there I had to cross said room full of people who would notice me. Not that anyone had spoken to me yet since I arrived, but I had been invited. Probably because I’d been within earshot when my classmates had been talking about it, but I had been asked nonetheless.
Why did I say yes?
That was the million dollar question. I didn’t like parties, I didn’t like being sociable. I wasn’t good at it. Drawing attention to myself… I couldn’t do it.
People headed for the kitchen, almost shouting at each other to be heard over the music and everyone else.
I drew back and turned to find somewhere to hide.
My gaze fell on a door that had a simple WC sign on it. Really? What was the point of that in their own house? That was the kind of sign for public toilets. Maybe that was the point.
Still, it was a room. A door with a lock.
I could hide in there until the party calmed down and I dared to venture into that living room. I did this for you, Mum. I opened the door and found the room empty. I breathed a sigh in relief. You wanted me to be sociable and here I am. Never again. Never ever. This was the last time I tried. Being cooped up in my room was heaven compared to this.
I closed the door after me. A bottle clinked against the wood. I looked down at my other hand and the beer bottle clutched in it. I’d forgot about it in my panic facing the living room. Someone had pressed it into my hand when I’d arrived.
I crossed the small room to lean against the smooth wall, slowly sinking down to sit on the floor.
I should go home and enjoy my own company. Get on the laptop and get online. Play a game, do coursework, anything else but sitting here hiding. I didn’t even have my sketchbook with me, so I couldn’t draw. I could do that at home though.
I sat the bottle of beer on the floor next to me. I eyed it. I had drunk from it and it had tasted like piss. Not that I knew what that tasted like, but it was what I imagined it would taste like. I hadn’t ever drunk alcohol—never felt the need to. Not having any mates or being sociable meant I’d never experienced any peer pressure.
Tonight was, apparently, a night for new adventures though. I took another sip of the vile thing and almost choked as a result. I forced it down on sheer willpower. Perhaps tonight was the night I would experience being drunk. It wouldn’t take long if I got the beer down. Not being used to alcohol, I wouldn’t need much to feel the effects. Or so the internet told me. Why anyone liked beer, or would drink it to savour the taste, was beyond me.
I drank some more. Torturing myself was what I was doing. I should leave, but then I’d have to go through the living room where everyone was gathered. I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t risk having all their attention on me—it would definitely leave me in a state of panic.
TT lives in Norway and writes about gay man living in Norway. She also occasionally write about gay men living in the UK, because she loves the UK. Norway might be too cold for her, but she ask doesn’t like the summer, so she’s learned to adapt. TT is happiest in front of her computer, creating emotional stories about men loving other men.
Where to find the author:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ttkove
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/ttkoveauthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ttkove
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ttkove/
Website: www.ttkove.com
Tour Dates & Stops:
Rafflecopter Prize: An ebook of the winner’s choice from my backlist (including Protection) in mobi, epub, or pdf.
Hello TT. I think opposites do attract – the bigger question is can they stay together?
This sounds like a wonderful read. Congrats on the release.
Congratulations on your new release T.T. I wish you many sales!!
I’m intrigued by the premise and look forward to giving this a read.
Hi! Love the way this sounds. I love characters that aren’t too perfect and have real human frailties. Congrats on the release!
Hi TT! Congrats for the new release!
Thanks so much everyone! I’m quite excited about this novella, it came out of nowhere.
Congrats! Looking forward to this book!
hi TT and congrats