16 Responses

  1. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    I love TJ Klune and fantasy, so definitely want to read this one. It is already on my TBR list. Your review seals the deal. 🙂

    Thank you!!

  2. Mary Doherty
    Mary Doherty at |

    I’m always willing to try a new kind of book, I’ll be checking this book out.

  3. Laurie P
    Laurie P at |

    This is on my TBR list, waiting for payday. I love TJ’s Books!

  4. Ardent Ereader
    Ardent Ereader at |

    I’ve been looking forward to TJ’s newest book!

  5. Denise Dechene
    Denise Dechene at |

    Been waiting for this ever since he announced he had written it. Tj has the capability to make you laugh and cry at the same time. This is on my wish/buy list. Thanks for review

  6. Jen CW
    Jen CW at |

    I would love to read this book because it sounds amazing and I have yet to read a book by TJ. I want to read one of his, but I couldn’t decide where to start, this one looks like it’s where I need to start. 🙂

  7. Michelle Cortez
    Michelle Cortez at |

    I loved this book! I cried from laughing so much!

  8. Blu Wren
    Blu Wren at |

    Guess what fellow readers! Mr. Klune says there will be a sequel or two. Huzzah and double snap!

  9. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    This sounds so good. I haven’t had many opportunity to read any of TJ’s books. I would love a chance to win this one.

  10. lindsayb
    lindsayb at |

    He writes such emotionally complex stories and believable/lovable characters! Definitely looking forward to reading this one! Klune is one of those authors that can really bring the water works. A lot of times I can immediately start a new book after reading one, but with his I usually need to let the ending marinate a bit before picking up a new one 🙂

  11. Book of the Week Poll – July 18th – 24th, 2015 | Love Bytes

    […] The Lightning-Struck Heart by T.J. Klune […]

  12. younela
    younela at |

    I’m 42% into this Fabulous, Marvelous, Wonderful book and well…. what Carissa said. In spades!

  13. waxapplelover
    waxapplelover at |

    Tell Me It’s Real is one of my favorite books ever, so I think this would be right up my alley. Thanks for the great review.

  14. James Snaith
    James Snaith at |

    Fantastic book, fantastic story. Loved “The Lightening Struck Heart” from beginning to end.


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